Absolutely correct, although your statement would be just as true at any time during the 50 years I have been bowling.
For all the technological advancements, a lot less has changed in the game over the past 40 years than most younger people believe. I remember getting in heated arguments with guys in 1976 about the inflated averages from walled up lanes. The only difference was that they considered 210 to be inflated back then.
Also, I have always been a practice guy. People have come up to me when I was practicing and lamented that I am the only guy they know who practices any more. They have been telling me that since 1976 as well.
There are indeed a lot of differences between the game now and in 1976, but very few people understand how much more we know about the game today than back then. When people talk about inflated scoring today, the increased skill level of bowlers over the years never gets credit. I am 67 years old, and if you gave me the same equipment on the same lanes as I had back then I could out average what I did in 1976 even given the what I would be giving up in physical skills ( ball speed, stamina etc ).
Finally, returning to the original topic, I confess that I primarily practice my strike game. Other than tough combinations, spare shooting is relatively easy. Flatten your release slightly, use a plastic or urethane ball at everything other than double wood, and don't throw so hard that it impacts your timing or balance. Most people who are really bad spare shooters are inconsistent on their strike ball as well, they just manage to out carry their mistakes.