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Author Topic: Practicing  (Read 592 times)


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« on: August 01, 2004, 06:13:50 AM »
Went practicing tonight.
Was too wired up to concentrate.
Did what I did last night.
This might sound like a weird way to practice, but when I'm wired I honestly do better when I do this!!

I can't see the arrows or pins without my glasses!
First time I ever got frustrated and did that, I got 5 strikes in a row by practicng my form and putting focus there.

Last night I got closer to ave. without my glasses a couple of games. I made more spares than normal last night!!! Husband was surprised to see that!!

Did it again tonight. Can't believe what I did!! I made 2 splits!! Guys next to me were surprised, I said well, I knew where the ball needed to be, all I did was line up and throw a good shot.

Thought about my remark, said to them, I don't make it very often with glasses. (It was either the 5-7 or 5-10, too thrilled to remember which!!)
Said, didn't mean to sound snooty about it. They laughed, said well, you already said it. I didn't know them.

Later I made the baby split. That one, I imformed them is one of my easier spares, I make that more often than the single 10 pin!!!! 3 pin helps me make the 10 by the way it pushes ball. I honestly would rather shot the baby split than a 10 pin.

Now that I bragged about that one, I bet I won't make a baby split for months.

Guys teased I ought to take off my glasses for leagues, told them most folks would consider it sandbagging.
BUt the more I practice like that, when my eyesight is totally shot, I'll still be able to enjoy bowling.

My eyes are so bad, I have to look at computer to know which were left!! Sometimes 1 looks like 2 or 2 looked like 4 or 5 if I squint!!!

Maybe some of you good guys having a tough night should try a blindfold or blinders of some kind!!!

Sure makes you work on form alone when you have no idea where you're shooting.
Kathy, From PA!
Big mouth, loves to talk.
I wish I knew as much about bowling as my son.
He's not a bragger but mom sure loves to share his good times!