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Author Topic: Practicing before league play  (Read 5577 times)


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Practicing before league play
« on: September 26, 2004, 05:43:35 PM »
How many of you practice before league play?  Not talking about more than a day, but a few hours.  Did it hurt your game?  I had the misfortune, yes I said "misfortune" of practicing at my usual house (had thumb work in a ball and wanted to try it out) several hours before league play at another house.  I was throwing the ball very well.  Averaged nearly 215 over 5 games.  Several hours later (5+) I went to bowl at another house.  Good grief!!!!  The shot was ridiculous!!!!  Too much backend using deep line and way too much oil on the outside!!!  I barely shot  450!!!!

I began to wonder, did practicing earlier hurt my game?  How about you?  If you practiced before league, did it hurt your game?

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Re: Practicing before league play
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2004, 01:58:52 AM »
I guess that depends on the amount of practice and type of practice. One time in college my coach had a 2 hour training session with his son, where we probably bowled 6-8 games. I had to bowl my regular league that night in another house an hour away, and as a result happened to break out of a slump with my first 700 series.

Other times if I am getting a new ball drilled out where I go to for the pro shop that's in another house, I may only practice 1 or 2 games especially if I'm bowling league that night.

If you are not used to bowling a ton of games in one day, probably bowling 5 games for practice could have hurt your league shot. For other people that wouldn't be a problem.



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Re: Practicing before league play
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2004, 07:28:06 AM »
FBM357,  I don't see the relationship between your practice session and the scores you shot in the other house.  Your description is very clear that the shot was entirely different.  How does that relate to your practice session?

Now to answer you questions about practice before league.  I've thrown 3 or 4 games immediately before league with out any problems and without affecting my scores.  Of course, my normal practice session is 6-10 games, so a few games just before league is not a problem.  Besides, at my age, the 10 minutes of practice in leagues is not near enough time to get loosened up, I new much more time that that.


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Re: Practicing before league play
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2004, 07:40:43 AM »
FBM357,  I don't see the relationship between your practice session and the scores you shot in the other house.  Your description is very clear that the shot was entirely different.  How does that relate to your practice session?

From a mental aspect, I felt really good and excited prior to bowling league.  I was subbing for someone that night perhaps it was the added pressure to do well.  However the available shot had me alter my game somewhat and I struggled.  Clearly I wasn't 'mentally' ready for it.  That's the connection I was trying to establish.

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Re: Practicing before league play
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2004, 08:58:22 AM »

There are several physical and mental situations or conditions that you need to keep in mind when you bowl that many games on the same day before a league.

1. Physical - how will I feel after 2 games, 4 games, 8 games or 10 games?
WIll it affect how I bowl tonight? Will there be enough time for my body AND mind to recuperate afterwards? Since you had been sick not too long ago, bowling 5 games might have been a factor in the physical strength & endurance and in the mental adjustment going from normal oil to a very light amount of oil. I did say, "might".

2. Never, ever keep score during practice. It does not serve a purpose. Practice is to accomplish certain things. Scoring is for league or tournament and it reflects luck, not skill too often. High scores can affect your mental state and can lead to over-confidence. Keep track of how often you hit your target, how often you release the ball correctly and at the right speed; keep track of the things for which you went to practice.

3. It is also far to easy to throw great scores in practice. Then your body kind of sneaks in and tells your brain that you're ready for league, when you're not. The league or tournament pattern is not likely to be anything like practice, but your body will start league warm-up with muscle memory and attitude from that earlier practice and will probably grab the same ball you ended practice with, telling itself, "this is where I left off". It is an easy trap to fall into.

I have league tonight, but haven't bowled in 5 or 6 days at least. I will throw 3 games today and try to just get a "feel", set up timing and hand positions for strikes and spares and make sure a couple of new balls fit correctly. There's nothing like actually throwing a ball to insure the holes and sized, pitched and taped correctly. I also know the oil during the day is much heavier than the oil we get for league.

"We get old too fast, and too late, smart."

Edited on 9/27/2004 8:51 AM
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Practicing before league play
« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2004, 09:43:37 AM »
2. Never, ever keep score during practice. It does not serve a purpose. Practice is to accomplish certain things. Scoring is for league or tournament and it reflects luck, not skill too often. High scores can affect your mental state and can lead to over-confidence. Keep track of how often you hit your target, how often you release the ball correctly and at the right speed; keep track of the things for which you went to practice.

3. It is also far to easy to throw great scores in practice. Then your body kind of sneaks in and tells your brain that you're ready for league, when you're not. The league or tournament pattern is not likely to be anything like practice, but your body will start league warm-up with muscle memory and attitude from that earlier practice and will probably grab the same ball you ended practice with, telling itself, "this is where I left off". It is an easy trap to fall into.


Good point charlest.  Never have understood why the boys crow about scores rolled in practice.  What's the point?  It don't mean anything in my book....unless your esteem is that low to start with.  



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Re: Practicing before league play
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2004, 09:58:46 AM »
"PRACTICE - I MEAN WERE TALKIN' PRACTICE" great words form Mr. Allen Iverson.  I love it when people post there fantastic scores of practice. No pressure, no breakdown of shot etc etc ect.  Every Friday I bowl and usually work on specific things and usually keep score last game only.  300 last week, where's my ring?  




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Re: Practicing before league play
« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2004, 10:04:39 AM »
Every Friday I bowl and usually work on specific things and usually keep score last game only. 300 last week, where's my ring?  

It's in the mail Nod along with your get a life card!    

Ya gotta love it!!!



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Re: Practicing before league play
« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2004, 10:09:31 AM »
I think I have a life.. a very good one at that.

I'll be looking for that card Scott, thanks.



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Re: Practicing before league play
« Reply #9 on: September 27, 2004, 10:13:58 AM »
Just kiddin' Nod but I think you knew that.  I think it has something to do with maturity a part of life that some could use a bit more here.    

I think I have one of those get a life cards freakin' out behind my Timothy Leary "Trip of the Month" card.  



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Re: Practicing before league play
« Reply #10 on: September 27, 2004, 10:15:32 AM »

There are several physical and mental situations or conditions that you need to keep in mind when you bowl that many games on the same day before a league.

1. Physical - how will I feel after 2 games, 4 games, 8 games or 10 games?
WIll it affect how I bowl tonight? Will there be enough time for my body AND mind to recuperate afterwards? Since you had been sick not too long ago, bowling 5 games might have been a factor in the physical strength & endurance and in the mental adjustment going from normal oil to a very light amount of oil. I did say, "might".

2. Never, ever keep score during practice. It does not serve a purpose. Practice is to accomplish certain things. Scoring is for league or tournament and it reflects luck, not skill too often. High scores can affect your mental state and can lead to over-confidence. Keep track of how often you hit your target, how often you release the ball correctly and at the right speed; keep track of the things for which you went to practice.

3. It is also far to easy to throw great scores in practice. Then your body kind of sneaks in and tells your brain that you're ready for league, when you're not. The league or tournament pattern is not likely to be anything like practice, but your body will start league warm-up with muscle memory and attitude from that earlier practice and will probably grab the same ball you ended practice with, telling itself, "this is where I left off". It is an easy trap to fall into.

I have league tonight, but haven't bowled in 5 or 6 days at least. I will throw 3 games today and try to just get a "feel", set up timing and hand positions for strikes and spares and make sure a couple of new balls fit correctly. There's nothing like actually throwing a ball to insure the holes and sized, pitched and taped correctly. I also know the oil during the day is much heavier than the oil we get for league.

Jeff, your points are valid.  Rarely do I practice for score but to work on my game.  Had my Intense tweaked and I was very pleased with it.  I only mentioned score to indicate how well I was throwing the ball and how well it worked for me.  Frustrating thing about it, I felt good mentally and physically after the practice.  Very much look forward to subbing.  The real pain in the *&^ was my consistent ability to adapt to the difficult lane conditions.  Guess I'm venting ...
Caring people make a difference!!!  All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing

Edited on 9/27/2004 10:15 AM


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Re: Practicing before league play
« Reply #11 on: September 27, 2004, 10:54:14 AM »
No problem; 2 Tuesdays ago, I had the same problem. I and another guy (who has won the ABC All-events eagle a few years ago, so he's not too shabby a bowler!) both failed to break 500 on an outrageously dry AND spotty condiition. At one point I was standing on 25 and couldn't get my Blue Dot (The Rock of Ages) out to the 1st arrow.
"We get old too fast, and too late, smart."
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Re: Practicing before league play
« Reply #12 on: September 27, 2004, 10:55:56 AM »
Practicing at one house and bowling for score later somewhere else are a no-no for me and many of my pro friends.  

Too many differences, approach, markings on approach, etc.

We all find if we get there an hour early and practice there!!  That is the best we can do for ourselves!


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