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Author Topic: Practicing for States  (Read 724 times)

David Lee Yskes

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Practicing for States
« on: December 19, 2009, 04:10:47 PM »
So today I met up with one of my teammates and doubles partner, to practice on the "beaten path" the lanes were some older AMF synthetics, and the two houses Team and singles/doubles are being held in have Brunswick Synthetics Anvils and another that i'm not sure about.  So obviously they wont play exactly the same, but it gives me a idea of what to look for.

So I made the drive from Big Rapids, Michigan to Greenville, Michigan and bowled a few games.

I cant even thank the owner enough, for putting out the shot.. And i did talk to the owner for a few hours after we got done bowling, about bowling and putting out different shots and stuff, very cool guy.  

So anyways first couple games WOW,,, Talk about not really knowing where to throw the ball.  I would get a couple good shots then bam the ball would go high, or check up early.   and there is absolutely no hold if you pull the ball.....  

Well I was rotating between my Virtual Gravity, Gravity Shift and BarbWire.  And all of them gave me a certain look depending on what part of the lane i was playing.   After trying to play my normal shot with my VG and GS which is a 20 to 10 shot, I wasnt getting the reaction I wanted, so my partner and I was experimenting with playing different parts of the lanes with different balls, trying to get a good reaction.

So I said something about playing deeper like 25 to 10 and went there for a game or two and just couldnt make it work.   To many times I'd get a bit slow or be off by 2boards or so and would end up going thru the nose.  

my partner suggested I try playing straighter going like (feet 24) 13 to 5...  So I tried that and found a shot with my VG and GS, but ended up in the same boat...  So i went 2boards left with my feet and tried my GS but it was still checkin up early.   so for the last game I kept my feet at 26, and used my BarbWire, and played a 15 to 10/8 shot and BAM!!!!! best game of the nite, my only hiccup was i got a bit slow on one shot... But i ended up shooting 243 that game.  

I will say I am glad I had the chance to bowl on this pattern or i wouldnt know what the hell to do if i came out cold and not knowing what to expect.  

Plus we plan on bowling on said pattern a few times more before states WOOT!!!!!!

I dont know what other "states" do for thier tournys, but if your State association puts out a tougher shot or uses a Kegel Pattern do you practice on it a few times before hand so you know what to expect?

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" Lift your skirt, grab your balls and learn how to bowl "


David Lee Yskes

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Re: Practicing for States
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2009, 12:57:21 AM »
yea, I probably would of been "lost" or fishing if i wouldnt have had this chance to practice on the shot.  

I will say, either going with a weaker drilling and a pin under the fingers like my barbwire, or a Pin Up, with some surface is the way to go, which is what my partner had good results with..  

Next time i am going to bring my Xfactor Xtreme which has some surface and a pin up drilling...  

My Gravity Shift probably would have worked better, but I took it from a polish, to a 2000grit...and i think that extra bit of surface made it check up early.   And for the VG lol, it was just too strong...
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" Lift your skirt, grab your balls and learn how to bowl "


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Re: Practicing for States
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2009, 09:18:05 AM »
The only thing you gained was a general feel for the length of the pattern and where the friction zones are.  AMF synthetics have a lot more friction than the Anvilane or Pro Anvilane from Brunswick.  You might actually need the stronger ball or more surface once you move to the tournament house.  How clean or beat up the lanes are might make a big difference also.  Keep an open mind and good luck.
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Re: Practicing for States
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2009, 09:36:52 AM »
Typically I would have to agree with Strider here, but the house the Davie is refering to with the AMF's plays quite slick.  By no means is the surface as hard as the Pro Anvil Lane but still a good barometer.

I bowl in that house on Wednesday night for league and another house down the road that has Brunswick PAL and the AMF's play straighter.  Granted the units of oil are different but the patterns are the same.  Skip used about 19 units on a regular league night and the Belding uses around 17-18.

In comparrison last year, I had more hook at Royal Scot (Synthetic Pro Anvil Lane) than I did at Pro Bowl (wood).  But I didn't score worth a lick at Royal Scot because I couldn't find a consistent look...

All things said, what we got to look at last night was a real good clue into what we are going to see.  The shot will be there the way we saw it last night.  Worst case we will have to square up some and go tad straighter until we burn a hole in.  Then again there was just the two of us.  Eight more guys will open it real quick.
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David Lee Yskes

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Re: Practicing for States
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2009, 11:21:41 AM »

yes I had already mentioned that to Adamn yesterday when talking about how the lanes will probably play slicker, which is the norm @ northway lanes.  

" Lift Your Skirt Grab Your Balls and Learn How to Bowl "
" Lift your skirt, grab your balls and learn how to bowl "