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Author Topic: Something to Think About? Averages  (Read 1052 times)


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Something to Think About? Averages
« on: January 16, 2004, 12:38:56 AM »
If you have a 200+ average do you look “down” to the bowlers who don’t? I don’t mean in an outwardly negative way but just something you keep inside? Even if it is on a THS or not. Do you think “If I can carry this average why doesn't so and so?”

What if you're not a 200+ bowler, do you look at the ones who are and envy them? Or does it give you motivation to excel? Do you ever secretly look at someone and ask yourself “How does he (she) do it and I can’t?”

My wrist brace is just like my RADAR detector, I really don't need it but it sure makes me feel better when I have it on.
(Airborne Army 1SG all the way)



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Re: Something to Think About? Averages
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2004, 03:47:46 PM »
I rarely look at another's average unless I'm in a competition and someone is KILLING me .. if he has a HIGHER AVERAGE .. I understand .. but when he has a LOWER AVERAGE I start looking at consistent/ LUCK he has that day and try to find REASONS why I'm LOSING!

Otherwise I never know what averages bowlers have!

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Re: Something to Think About? Averages
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2004, 04:21:30 PM »
I would classify it more of looking down on negative people more than avg.

if a bowler is always complaining about the lanes, the carry etc. I tend to look down on them because they are mentally weak.

most bowlers that have the physical tools to be a better bowler, normally lack professional coaching. if they have a good attitude they have a chance to excel.
and I never look down on a 180 guy who is mentally strong.

the worst is the 200+ bowler who is a total THS wall shot slave. they complain the most because they don't know how to adjust. this happens at my house because the oil machine goofs up  a little evey once and a while. the pattern is the same but the oil volume can be pretty dramatic.

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-- William Munny
"deserves got nothing to do with it."
-- William Munny


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Re: Something to Think About? Averages
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2004, 04:21:47 PM »
I was just thinking about this kind of stuff last night.
I was bowling with and around several ladies who I used to think were much better than me, and I looked up to them accordingly.
Now, with lessons and hard work on my part, I've passed them... (30+ pins in average last year). I was thinking about the fact that I used to look up to them, and now I don't any more.
I DO NOT look down on them - they are doing what they want to do, at the level they want to do it, so I have absolutely no room for criticism. I do feel kinda bad, though, because they don't include me in a bunch of local stuff any more that they used to (city tournament, etc.)
Oh, well. Sniff, sniff.
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Re: Something to Think About? Averages
« Reply #4 on: January 17, 2004, 10:10:48 AM »
Being a lower average bowler I definitely look up to the higher average bowlers hoping that one day I might be there with them. I have not found any looking down on mw at the house I bowl at, but I have found that certain members here seem to look down on those of us "not in their league" so to speak. I have been downed more than once for giving advice to someone because of my average, when usually the advice I give is advice I have received from some of the better bowlers on this site.

If it is good advice when it is given to me, how can it become bad advice if I return the favor and give it to someone else just because I am a lower average bowler?
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Re: Something to Think About? Averages
« Reply #5 on: January 17, 2004, 11:10:37 AM »
I agree with all of you. During league the other night I actually over a conversation about this topic. It got me thinking how "others" perceive us. I asked some of my team members about what they thought. Of course they said that they admired me (just kidding).

They told me they feel the same way. That they wish they could throw scores like some of the others in the league, etc, but the don't look down on anyone who has a lower average.  

I know personally I'm eager too help someone (only if they ask) or give encourgement. I'm a 200+ bowler (most of the time) but I know I have a lot to learn and I'm not afraid to ask anyone.
My wrist brace is just like my RADAR detector, I really don't need it but it sure makes me feel better when I have it on.

Edited on 1/17/2004 12:08 PM
(Airborne Army 1SG all the way)


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Re: Something to Think About? Averages
« Reply #6 on: January 17, 2004, 01:45:56 PM »
I would find it hard to look down on lower average bowlers. We all started with lower averages ourselves. (Not so long in the past for me)

I also don't look up to higher average bowlers than me. I do admire their level of the game, but I feel they are no better than me as a person. I know I will be at their level soon.

I try to hold each bowler in the same regard. I understand where the lower average bowlers are and I know I will be with the high average bowlers one day. I just like to have some fun and good conversations.
