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Author Topic: Practicing the Friday before a regional?  (Read 1159 times)


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Practicing the Friday before a regional?
« on: October 07, 2008, 06:35:39 AM »
Who does it?  Who doesn't?  I have one at the end of the month, and I'm contemplating not going to the practice session this time.  In the past, what I saw on Friday was totally different than what I saw on Saturday, which leaves me extremely confused.

I have a good memory of how the Scorpion is played from my X league a while ago(Actually it was 1 of 2 patterns I averaged over 200 on).  I don't think the extra foot is going to make that much difference, but I unfortunately have no comparison to base it off of yet.  

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Re: Practicing the Friday before a regional?
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2008, 02:42:42 PM »
To me it depended on my squad time on saturday and the length of my drive.

If I was on "A" squad with a 3 or 4 hr drive i'd head down on friday night.

If I was on "B" squad i'd get to the center early enough on saturday to watch the "A" squad.
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Re: Practicing the Friday before a regional?
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2008, 02:47:58 PM »
Well, the regional will be about 45 minutes from where I live.  Even if I don't go to practice, I can at least watch some of it.  It would be best for me to get on B squad for once.  I'd definitely get there early enough to watch the A squad.
Behold the bold soldier, control the globe slowly
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Re: Practicing the Friday before a regional?
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2008, 02:55:40 PM »
If I have the opportunity, I like to do at least one training session on a tournament or league site, when I know that the oil is already apllied well before the event. Some houses around here do so, in order to tune the oil machine properly and to give local players the opprtunity to do training on serious lanes, even if they do not take part in the event.

Anyway, what I learned from this for the tournament itself: do NOT expect the lanes to be the same as in training. The lanes will probably fresher, air humidity and temperature different, so a 100% copy of the training will not occur. Sometimes it plays totally different, I second that experience.

Good memory how a pattern X has played (a while ago) will not really help you, do not rely too much an this thought, and do not stick too much on the solutions that worked then.

Best exploitation I made from these training occasions is to sort the proper equipment out, and try various lines and check how the lane will change.
When I come back and the lights are on, I have a good idea (and secure feeling) where to stand, where to aim and which ball to use, for minimum need for change. I will also have an idea how the games might unfold, to stay ahead of dramatic changes of the lanes and to know what I can NOT do. The rest is execution and a watchful eye on the own and competitors' ball reactions.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: Practicing the Friday before a regional?
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2008, 02:57:44 PM »
I do the practice sessions when I can. You can't really get a good look in the practice sessions because the lanes do play different, but you can see the approachs and get a look on how the lane surface plays( like is there a lot of back end or other way around). I also look at it as you just spend 200/275 so you might as well get that hour and half of practice in just to subject if you think about ot you could just show up to the practice sessions with your name on your shirt and just bowl and not do the regional. They never check to see if your in the tournament atleast in the south they don't.


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Re: Practicing the Friday before a regional?
« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2008, 03:38:05 PM »
Thank you all for the inputs.  They make alot of sense.  I should at least go for an hour.  I did also plan to head up there this weekend to get a feel of the place-I've never been there before.
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Re: Practicing the Friday before a regional?
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2008, 04:08:27 PM »

  The A22 and Brunswick oil needs to be changed to Kegel made equipment once again.  It's garbage and it can't oil in reverse.  Every single competitive oil pattern is designed with the use of reverse oil.  The A-22 either walls the lanes up or makes a mess of the pattern.  It's very true.

"The Brunswick Authority 22 machines needs to go, along with the Brunswick oil and cleaners. They are just too inconsistent. Maybe those machines aren't made to travel every week, or maybe the technology is more league/wall lane condition drive, I don't know. What I do know is that the Brunswick machine cannot apply oil in reverse, this feature that the Kegel machines have done for years, is primary and paramount in laying down competitive and fair patterns. The Brunswick machine either walls the lanes up, or makes them horrible, NOTHING in between. This is why the left side has had it so good over the last 3 years. Since the Authority 22 has been used on the PBA tour, the left hand bias has been a huge problem." - Mike Devaney

Because lefties won every week right?  If the A-22 was that bad, I doubt the PBA tour would stick with it so long.  Or is it a matter of Brunswick paying the PBA to use it?
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Re: Practicing the Friday before a regional?
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2008, 04:41:49 PM »
I go to the practice session.  I like to test out the approaches and make sure I have the sole and heel combination that I want.  I also test the balls I plan to use.  I can find out about the lane surface and the fit of the ball.  

It is also a good chance to practice with friends and catch up with people you might not have talked to in awhile.

It is also good to practice with the exempt players to see if I can learn anything.

Yes Saturday does play much differently than Friday, but it is still worth the time.
USBC Bronze Coach


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Re: Practicing the Friday before a regional?
« Reply #8 on: October 07, 2008, 08:02:47 PM »
Yeah, I think it would be better if I go.
Behold the bold soldier, control the globe slowly
Proceed to blows, swinging swords like Shinobi-Triumph, Wu Tang Clan

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Re: Practicing the Friday before a regional?
« Reply #9 on: October 07, 2008, 08:46:23 PM »
i never went to the friday practice session. i did my homework and studied the patterns and oil pattern charts. i practiced for weeks before a regional on that specific type of shot. all this is fine and well but until you actually start shadow balls on saturday you never really know what you're up against.


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Re: Practicing the Friday before a regional?
« Reply #10 on: October 07, 2008, 10:36:34 PM »
I go to the practice session.  I like to test out the approaches and make sure I have the sole and heel combination that I want.  I also test the balls I plan to use.  I can find out about the lane surface and the fit of the ball.  


Yes Saturday does play much differently than Friday, but it is still worth the time.

DING DING DING we have a winner...

Practice in most centers was never about getting lined up but rather about making sure you had time to address those issues like approaches and fit.  And going through the center and hitting each pair was a necessity because some centers DID have different tendencies on the approach from one end to another (or one side to another in the case of some split centers).  It is a lot easier to have notes from the day before than to have to deal with frazzled nerves as the need for change reared its head...  

I liked the time from the additional standpoint of getting to unwind a little after the drive, since much of the time I had driven in and was overnighting.  And since I tended to go to a different region, that was a LOT of road time to unwind from...


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Re: Practicing the Friday before a regional?
« Reply #11 on: October 09, 2008, 02:46:12 AM »
X Evil, where do you live and where is this regional?
Jon Brandon
2003 PBA West Region Rookie of the Year
"You don't score, until you score......"