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Author Topic: Projecting the ball right  (Read 6429 times)

Sean John 369

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Projecting the ball right
« on: April 24, 2009, 08:49:29 AM »
Does anyone have any tips on projecting the ball to the right? Lately it has been difficult for my to do so. I have been going up the boards(as i am a straighter player)  I have a decent amount of revs. Nothing extravaganT. On THS i stand around 25 to 30.  I just need the ball to get more of a right to left motion. It's a timing issue im sure.  Any suggestions would help and would be greatly apprciated.




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Re: Projecting the ball right
« Reply #16 on: April 26, 2009, 10:26:59 PM »
Keep your swing the same and just angle your approach. You can still walk straight, just walk straight angled toward your target. Stand left, target right, same straight approach.


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Re: Projecting the ball right
« Reply #17 on: April 27, 2009, 04:03:37 AM »
I too have problem projecting the ball to the right. Sometimes when I try to open up my shoulder to feed the ball to the right, my armswing would go around my back.

Any tips to fix that?

(I’m a right-hander and I drift 4-5 boards left on the approach)

I'm a THS hack and a ball junkie.
Certified ball collector.


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Re: Projecting the ball right
« Reply #18 on: April 27, 2009, 04:50:56 AM »
I too have problem projecting the ball to the right. Sometimes when I try to open up my shoulder to feed the ball to the right, my armswing would go around my back.

Any tips to fix that?

(I’m a right-hander and I drift 4-5 boards left on the approach)


You know, I thought this would be a problem for me too.  Is this something you can feel or something you've been told you do or actually seen on video?  I ask because when I've taken video from behind me and I'm swinging the ball a little it looks like my swing wrapped behind my back.  It wasn't until the top of the swing(at or above head height) but I think it's just an illusion since the body was angled.  This might be the case for you as well, and if not check your pushaway and make sure it's the same.  This is all I can think of.


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Re: Projecting the ball right
« Reply #19 on: April 27, 2009, 05:49:55 AM »
You know, I thought this would be a problem for me too.  Is this something you can feel or something you've been told you do or actually seen on video?  I ask because when I've taken video from behind me and I'm swinging the ball a little it looks like my swing wrapped behind my back.  It wasn't until the top of the swing(at or above head height) but I think it's just an illusion since the body was angled.  This might be the case for you as well, and if not check your pushaway and make sure it's the same.  This is all I can think of.

Hey Strike Domination,

For a few years I had been ‘wrapping the ball around my back’. I discussed it with my driller and he asked me to ‘pushaway’ the ball slightly to the left to compensate. It works, but recently my home house has been putting down a super short pattern (30 ft), so when I stand further left (to feed the ball right) at the approach, my bad habit has returned. (been told by another league bowler)

It just seems that when I try to keep my armswing straight, I’m not able to feed the ball to the right but when I DO feed the ball to the right, my arm wraps behind my back.

Must be time to go and see my driller/coach again.

I'm a THS hack and a ball junkie.
Certified ball collector.


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Re: Projecting the ball right
« Reply #20 on: April 27, 2009, 07:30:45 AM »
If you look slightly further down the lane, instead of at the arrows, you will automatically project the ball further right.
High game 300, 298(no middle finger) 290, 290(no middle finger)
2 handed (279) 710
High series 804
High triplicate 774
High average 221
best game. when I was 6 I bowled a 158

I have a 16# morich awesome finish I want to trade.  1 season on it.    I am looking for 15# stuff

Sean John 369

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Re: Projecting the ball right
« Reply #21 on: April 27, 2009, 12:37:41 PM »
Thanks for the feedback.  I've noticed lately that i tend to grab the ball at the bottom of the swing and i don't need too.  Im trying to soften up the release which has helped along with opening up in the stance.  It has been moderately successful.  Just need to wear it a while.  Thanks again.  


Zack Pelton300

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Re: Projecting the ball right
« Reply #22 on: April 27, 2009, 11:13:28 PM »
You r probly correct. Timing is vital in getting the ball to the right. If u feel ur timing is good u can try opening ur shoulders. Point ur feet to the right slightly.

Also it is not always u. Sometimes the heads are just burned and this can cause an illusion that u are pulling the ball. In this case u can do two things. 1.) Move left and get away from the tracked up area. 2.) U can loft the ball and take the heads out of play.
Zack Pelton
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Re: Projecting the ball right
« Reply #23 on: April 28, 2009, 09:56:04 AM »
ZP makes a good point.  Several times I've thought my accuracy was off a board or two because I kept hitting inside my target at the arrows.  I either moved further inside or switched to a weaker ball and was back to normal accuracy (when my game is right I can hit a two board area consistently with my errors being equally spread between missing left and right of target).  I've come to the conclusion that the first ball was breaking one or two boards before it got to the arrows.  --  JohnP


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Re: Projecting the ball right
« Reply #24 on: April 28, 2009, 09:50:36 PM »
The best way to project the ball right, on today's conditions, is to:
Open up your hips and shoulders to the intended target
Slightly drop your right shoulder (for a right hander) down
This will place your head slightly over the ball
Push the ball towards the center of your body
Make your first step (with your right foot) towards the center of your body, as well as slightly opening it up, simulating a ducks walk, which creates a strong position, weight wise
Allow your second (left foot) step to be straight
Third step (or power step with your right foot) should be centered of your body as well with the foot slightly open
Your swing will stay tighter to your body and feel as if it starts on an outward path and then tucks back under your shoulder
If you keep your hand on the inside of the ball, it is impossible to tug the ball
You can over rotate it, creating an overreaction, but almost impossible to tug the ball

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