I have a question, My team and I pre-bowled today because we will be missing league this next week. The lanes were bad, and I mean BAD, I ended up throwing a straight ball at the head pin. I am not a sour grapes person so I just figured we must have been bowling on open bowling conditionn and continued to bowl. We finished the prebowl out most of us 20 pins under our average every game.
When taking our scores to the office we were informed we were bowling on the 2009 USBC Nationals Shot that had been put out on Saturday (so the shot was 48 hours old) because those were the only lanes available.
Should we be allowed to rebowl?
I don't want to be that person, but I think it's very unfair that we didn't have any prior notice that the conditions were far from league conditions. And we're in a tight race for first.