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Author Topic: Prebowl/post bowl on position round for second half championship  (Read 13806 times)

Ken De Beasto

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Does anyone know if there is a rule against prebowl/postbowl for position round week? My team headed into next week for second half champs and the other team decides they gonna pre bowl it. I find it bullcrap but our league rules says nothing about pre bowling position rounds smh. Most moral people knows you don't pre bowl position rounds.



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Re: Prebowl/post bowl on position round for second half championship
« Reply #31 on: April 26, 2017, 02:35:32 PM »
We had a Mexican-American tournament series and 'ol Swindle would max out in Handicap AND scratch brackets, high game pot, series etc. The tournament made a large portion of its revenue on the cut of brackets and side pots, so Swindle was a benefit to them and they just turned their head. Not sure if that crap still happens as I refuse to bowl it anymore.

He tried the same thing with TNBA, but they put a stop to it right off.

The plot thickens.......

Perhaps Swindel has naked photo's of the board members?  :o

Cause our local association doesn't care about what he does.


He was told to drop it and then was voted out.


Ding,Ding,Ding! We have a winner! Not only would he max out the brackets and side pots but he would have his girlfriend do the same thing. My friend was booted cause he was calling attention to what Jessie was doing. So as long as Jessie brought his money it was no problem. So basically Jessie could enter shoot his big number then the tournament would disqualify him and let him keep the bracket and side pot money.