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Author Topic: Pre/Post Bowling should be banned.  (Read 8715 times)

trash heap

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Pre/Post Bowling should be banned.
« on: October 08, 2012, 12:06:32 PM »
I am seeing this concept getting abused more and more every year at my local bowling center. What was once an occassional thing is turning out to be a problem.

My local center has 20 lanes. Open bowling during the week is Tuesday and Wednesday. The night I have time to go in and practice is Tuesday.This Tuesday I almost did not get a lane. Why? Pre/Post bowlers.

Let me establish that there is a Women's league that night that has 8 teams. So 8 lanes down.

There were 3 different teams needing to Post Bowl (1 team had all 4 players, the other 2 teams only had 2 people). They were from different leagues and requested their own pair of lanes. So basically, there is 8 bowlers using 6 lanes. The bowling center should have put them all on one pair. But I am sure those league bowlers would have had a problem with that.

A league makes an agreement with the bowling center to bowl on specific night having a specific number of lanes. League members should stick to it. If a team or part of a team can't make it that night, pay the money, and take the loss.
Talkin' Trash!



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Re: Pre/Post Bowling should be banned.
« Reply #16 on: October 11, 2012, 09:40:30 AM »
I straddle this issue some.

In a scratch/competive league situation pre/post bowling should pretty much be banned.

In most handicap leagues I don't have problem. Of course the house can set any guidlines they like on when and where pre/post bowling can occur.

League bowling is in the tank. One of the most often reason for bowlers not wanting to bowl leagues is that they don't want to commit to showing up for 30+ weeks at the same night and time.

If you can get a team to show up 90% of the time with a few weeks of pre/post bowling it is better over all financially for the house.

As with anything people with stretch/push the rules to the limit. But I really haven't seen much abuse of it around here.


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Re: Pre/Post Bowling should be banned.
« Reply #17 on: October 12, 2012, 08:28:31 AM »
i understand were everyone comes from here, i bowl a scratch league and we really don't have any problems with this, sometimes we have it, but when it is done both teams (that are to bowl each other) set it up and bowl against each other like it would have been on that league night, i feel thats only right/ fair


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Re: Pre/Post Bowling should be banned.
« Reply #18 on: October 12, 2012, 09:45:22 AM »
Try living in a town like Smash described where football is king. Ohio State made the National championship game on a Monday night back to back years in 2007-08. The Monday night leagues in the center decided to take a vote on if they would bowl or not and since it was in the middle of the season it had to be 100% agreement. One league had a couple of non Ohio State fans and said nope, we bowl. There were so many pre-bowls for those nights out of that league, it was nutz. The best thing was there were 2 of the 12 teams there and the one team that had the non OSU fans had 2 absentee scores.

Now if they had a clue they would have figured out like I did that with all of the pre game hype, the game didn't kick off until close to 9 PM anyway.........

I am old school and just can't fathom the abuse of it nowadays. Some leagues have 4-5 teams prebowling EVERY WEEK!. The best is the every other week Saturday night mixed and people pre-bowling for it. Why did you bother to commit if you only are required to be there half of the time and still can't make it to bowl...:)
« Last Edit: October 12, 2012, 09:47:42 AM by Bigmike »
"Tell me Cup, how does a great ball striker like you shoot an 83? Well I lipped out this putt on 18......"

Mike Craig - Storm Bowling Amateur Staff - Westerville, OH