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Author Topic: Price of Ball Comparison around the US  (Read 7292 times)


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Price of Ball Comparison around the US
« on: May 02, 2017, 05:07:18 PM »
I just bought a Storm 3 Ball Bag for $185 a Gauntlet for $230, a Timeless for $230 and a Pitch Black for $180 here in the Metropolitan NY area.  They included finger inserts and thumb slug, no tax was the discount.  Is this the going price everywhere?  I had bought online before but always had to tweak the span which made it a bit uncomfortable when I visited my local pro shop, so I decided to just buy from them.

Is this around the price all around the US?  Just Curious.  Thanks.



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Re: Price of Ball Comparison around the US
« Reply #16 on: May 03, 2017, 12:21:42 PM »
Everywhere else's in San Diego is charging around $250 drilled for top of the balls

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Re: Price of Ball Comparison around the US
« Reply #17 on: May 03, 2017, 01:28:24 PM »
I pay $40 over what the ball costs. All I get is an IT and no grips. I lay it out, he puts holes in it.


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Re: Price of Ball Comparison around the US
« Reply #18 on: May 03, 2017, 02:22:30 PM »
Using Storm as the example. Including IT and grips I'm usually right around these numbers out the door.
Premier - $204
Master -  $188
Thunder - $155

This is in Ohio and being on the VIP list for the shop.
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Re: Price of Ball Comparison around the US
« Reply #19 on: May 03, 2017, 02:54:27 PM »
Thank God I throw mainly lower-end balls.   :o

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Re: Price of Ball Comparison around the US
« Reply #20 on: May 03, 2017, 03:17:13 PM »
I never really pay more than $210-220 for a high end ball (Utah products). 

I don't mind that though b/c the shop I go to has been super good to me through the years and I get exceptional quality. 

Edit: NKY/Cincy area
« Last Edit: May 03, 2017, 03:21:50 PM by Good Times Good Times »


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Re: Price of Ball Comparison around the US
« Reply #21 on: May 03, 2017, 05:01:40 PM »
Really depends on if the pro shop you go to is a hobby and/or part time gig or a business for the owner.  Most people who do it for fun or do it on the side don't generally need to generate the revenue that an actual pro shop business needs to.  Sounds like you go to a pro shop business, in which case, yes, that's the going rate, and is a fair price regardless of what anyone else says.  Considering the suggested retail of a ball like the Sure Lock is $299.95 BEFORE drilling, getting it for significantly less including the drilling is a good deal.  Pro shops really can't afford to operate on the margins they're forced to by hobbyists and the internet companies, which is why you don't see many good ones around.  Internet companies make their money on the dozens of advertisements and banners on the site, they really only sell the equipment so they can make money on the advertisements, absolutely zero way they could function or operate at those prices if sales were their only source of income. 

A shop that can afford to offer quality at a cheaper price than that and is actually ok putting in that kind of effort for that little return is truly rare, and you should definitely patronize them.  There are a lot of benefits of purchasing through a pro shop that definitely make it worth the few extra bucks.  Obviously I'm biased LOL, but I can also make numerous points and defend them all in favor of purchasing at a shop rather than online, even if the shop is more expensive IF IF IF that shop has service and quality worthy of the extra bit of cost.  Pro shops should cost a bit more than you can get it for online, but they should also make it worth the cost. 
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Re: Price of Ball Comparison around the US
« Reply #22 on: May 03, 2017, 05:36:21 PM »
Really depends on if the pro shop you go to is a hobby and/or part time gig or a business for the owner.  Most people who do it for fun or do it on the side don't generally need to generate the revenue that an actual pro shop business needs to.  Sounds like you go to a pro shop business, in which case, yes, that's the going rate, and is a fair price regardless of what anyone else says.  Considering the suggested retail of a ball like the Sure Lock is $299.95 BEFORE drilling, getting it for significantly less including the drilling is a good deal.  Pro shops really can't afford to operate on the margins they're forced to by hobbyists and the internet companies, which is why you don't see many good ones around.  Internet companies make their money on the dozens of advertisements and banners on the site, they really only sell the equipment so they can make money on the advertisements, absolutely zero way they could function or operate at those prices if sales were their only source of income. 

A shop that can afford to offer quality at a cheaper price than that and is actually ok putting in that kind of effort for that little return is truly rare, and you should definitely patronize them.  There are a lot of benefits of purchasing through a pro shop that definitely make it worth the few extra bucks.  Obviously I'm biased LOL, but I can also make numerous points and defend them all in favor of purchasing at a shop rather than online, even if the shop is more expensive IF IF IF that shop has service and quality worthy of the extra bit of cost.  Pro shops should cost a bit more than you can get it for online, but they should also make it worth the cost.
online shops get a better deal than brick and mortar through distributors. So they still make more money than you'd expect. About and extra 5-10 per ball. I have a friend that opened an online shop and uses the same distributor as I do. They get balls cheaper than I, And the product drop ships from the distributor straight to the customer. Win-win for the online guy. Sucky ducky for b and m's.


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Re: Price of Ball Comparison around the US
« Reply #23 on: May 03, 2017, 07:24:49 PM »
High end 170 --- mid 150 -- includes grips / thumb slug
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Re: Price of Ball Comparison around the US
« Reply #24 on: May 03, 2017, 09:22:28 PM »
There was a comment on price depending on how many Pro Shops in the area.  That kind of makes sense why prices are so high here in NYC.  Bowling centers are all becoming CVS or Walgreens.  So with less centers we get less Pro Shops and thus less competition which results in $300+ for high end bowling balls.  Ughh


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Re: Price of Ball Comparison around the US
« Reply #25 on: May 04, 2017, 02:58:34 AM »
Metal_rules where in the country do you buy your equipment?  Is it a Brick & Mortar Pro Shop?  Those are incredible prices.


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Re: Price of Ball Comparison around the US
« Reply #26 on: May 04, 2017, 02:59:52 AM »
Thanks ITZPS for the valuable input.


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Re: Price of Ball Comparison around the US
« Reply #27 on: May 04, 2017, 06:38:19 AM »
It's pretty tough to compare the price of a ball in NYC to some places in Indiana or Ohio for example.  I would consider the price you paid a bargain for the location.

Luke, you couldn't be more wrong about the internet guys.  The money generated for site banners doesn't even pay the google bill.  The discount figure TKK gave is low for the big guys.  When you pay single digit points above cost, ship from multiple locations across the country with the biggest shipping discounts available, with somebody else eating your shipping mistakes, and have private label products there is money to be made.

Things have gotten much leaner for them lately, but I haven't talked with anybody that has been in in the bowling business for a decent amount of time that isn't a little concerned.


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Re: Price of Ball Comparison around the US
« Reply #28 on: May 04, 2017, 08:02:34 AM »
Anybody else find the last reply hard to believe?  Any Pro Shop Operator have an opinion on this?

Yes. It's one of two things. Very close with the PSO or they crummy work and have to deep discount or both.

My team mate went to the PSO and basically said "you know how I bowl, get me something you think will work for me,"  The PSO originally was going to go with the Forest Green Quantum, but jumped on the Timeless bandwagon and went with that instead.  The Timeless was a mismatch for the bowler from the beginning, so the PSO took it back and swapped it for the Forest Green which has been a much better ball for the bowler.  It had nothing to do with quality of work. It was all good will and customer satisfaction.  The PSO will sell the Timeless used and be able to recover a little but not everything.

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Re: Price of Ball Comparison around the US
« Reply #29 on: May 04, 2017, 12:56:32 PM »
Those are some decent prices Alonzo Harris!
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Re: Price of Ball Comparison around the US
« Reply #30 on: May 05, 2017, 10:53:13 AM »
I have a friend who paid 230 for a ball then the Pro Shop charged him 20 for thumb slug and 15 for inserts.  Then charged him tax.  He loved it, it was a Code Black and its working for him and he's shooting great scores with it but that's almost $290.  Storm Balls cost a premium here in NYC.

The Pro Shop Owner had an a la carte price chart above the service area.  $30 for Vise It on top of the Thumb insert, then $20 added if you want a customized thumb mold, that's $70 for an extra customized thumb mold if he wants one sized up or sized down. 

If my friend had all that added to the ball, it would cost him $343. 

In addition AMF owns most of the houses here so if you don't join a league to get the discount, it could cost $13 per game. 

He's a doctor so he doesn't care but the difference between how much he paid to how much I paid was a shock.

What shop in NYC charges that much?  Not to put a shop on blast but I have not seen that.

The most I ever paid for a Storm high-end ball in the NYC area was 5 years ago and it was $220, drilling, grips, and thumbslug all included.