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Author Topic: Prize Fund  (Read 1202 times)


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Prize Fund
« on: November 10, 2015, 03:56:51 PM »
I was asked to generate a 3 option prize fund for our 21 week winter league. When the secretary passed out the prize fund one of the teams refused to select an option and demanded that it be redone because it didn't indicate that it was a split season league and the options needed to reflect that.
I stated that the options that they had to select from could be administered either as a split season or a straight 21 week season. Furthermore the league rules do not state that this is a split season. Their response was that the rules clearly state that there are 2 position rounds, therefor, it is a split season league. I told them that it is my experience that all leagues have at least one position round regardless of the type of league it is. They said that they never heard of that and insist I redo the prize fund. Am I MISSING SOMETHING HERE?



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Re: Prize Fund
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2015, 04:33:00 PM »
I wonder how you would split a 21 week league into two halves?

Just refer them to the league officers if they ask again.  From my experience, the committee in charge of prize fund does not answer to any team, but to the league officers.  If the officers want you to redo any aspect of the prize fund, then so be it.  But don't do it because one team in particular doesn't like what was submitted.


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Re: Prize Fund
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2015, 05:50:59 PM »
21 weeks.
You could easily do two 10 week halves with one week at the end for playoff/team sweeper?

Regarding money, take the total amount you expect to have. Subtract any special awards such as first place, second place, high series, etc., then take the total points available for the season and divide it into the remainder of the cash to create "point money" that can be divided to each team based on amount of wins. In other words, each point will have a dollar value.  Money can be available for the sweeper for high team games, high series, high individual game, series, etc...

You can jumble the numbers and create option 2 and option 3.  It's not very complex once you start at the "end" and work backwards til the money is gone.


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Re: Prize Fund
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2015, 08:12:00 PM »
If it only say 2 position rounds. An DOES NOT SAY split season.  Then there is no split season.   It is a 21 week league with 2 position rounds. Usually the position round would be week 10(or 11) and week 21. Again no split season. An the prize fund you have will work.