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Author Topic: Pro Shop nightmare  (Read 7204 times)


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Pro Shop nightmare
« on: April 30, 2003, 11:47:20 PM »
Just drop a ball off at the Pro Shop to be drilled. Never used this guy before. He measures my hand. I go on to tell him what I am trying to do with the ball and a little about my style/game.
He says to me, "I know what you're trying to do, Knock down 12 strikes like everyone else."

I replied, Well that would be

He says: "Let me tell you something, This Ball won't do it. When you are ready to buy a Ball that will, come see me"
Winning and Losing are both very temporary things. Having done one or the other, we move on. Gloating over Victory or Sulking in Defeat is a good way to Stand Still.


da Shiv

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Re: Pro Shop nightmare
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2003, 02:55:45 PM »
I'd be extremely suspicious of someone who would say something like that without ever having seen me bowl.

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Re: Pro Shop nightmare
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2003, 03:20:55 PM »
He probably also has some swampland in Florida to sell you.


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Re: Pro Shop nightmare
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2003, 03:53:37 PM »
I think he is the typical shop owner that doesn't like people bringing in (internet) balls for him to drill.  He wants the profit on the balls as well as making money on the drilling.  He has not figured out how to handle outside (internet) balls.  

Many places charge a lot for the drilling, so it is worthwhile to get the ball and drilling directly from the shop.  Some places try to make you a future customer by showing that their prices are competitive and you get better service from the shop.

If the shop owner give the customer a tough time, he loses all the way around.  No future drilling money.  No potential direct purchase customer.

PS.  Drilling can be easy money.  No inventory.  Mark up on grips and slug.  No service after drilling or all service after drilling at additional cost.

da Shiv

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Re: Pro Shop nightmare
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2003, 04:20:23 PM »
The pro shop I go to lists the prices of all the balls for the blank ball.  There is a separate price list for drillings, slugs, grips, etc.  Having established a permanent close loyal customer status with this shop, he gives me discounts on equipment and drillings.  The shop does a high volume, so I guess he can afford to do this.  I would gain nothing from Internet shopping.  It's a win situation for both sides.

Even though I have this pro shop to go to for all my purchases, I stop in every pro shop I see to have a look around and maybe some conversation to size the place up.  I'm pretty knowledgeable about bowling equipment, but don't act like it when I'm in these shops.  To my great dismay I have found that the vast majority of "pro" shops give out loads of misleading, erroneous, and just plain stupid advice.  I've heard the type of comment that Kevin mentioned in pro shops before, usually from a teenage employee who is highly impressed with his status as a pro shop employee.  If the proprietor said something like that, I'd be gone and never come back.

A word of advice to pro shop operators:  You're better off to assume that all of your customers are highly knowledgeable and tell them the truth.  (Of course, you should tell them the truth even if they're idiots.)  Don't assume that your customers are as dumb as they act.

Listening to the monotonous staccato of rain on my desk top


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Re: Pro Shop nightmare
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2003, 08:16:00 PM »
Just curious, what ball was it?

Maybe he was right


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Re: Pro Shop nightmare
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2003, 08:58:19 PM »
Er um, about that 12 strike ball.

Do you take er um paypal sir?


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Pro Shop nightmare
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2003, 08:59:59 PM »
I talked a guy out of drilling a ball once, but it was for his own good.  He brought in a Target Zone and said his wife got it for him for his b-day because he'd always wanted a Zone.  He was expecting it to hook or do something special, and I told him it was a beginner/spare ball or an extremely dry lane ball.  Wouldn't you know it, that night he shoots his first 300 with a Triton Elite.
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Kung Fu Hamster X, Jujitsu Guinea Pig, or Legend of Drunken Ferret?  New names still being pondered . . .


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Re: Pro Shop nightmare
« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2003, 09:06:49 PM »
I think I am going to ask him if the ball he wants to sell me is Guaranteed a 300 game.
Winning and Losing are both very temporary things. Having done one or the other, we move on. Gloating over Victory or Sulking in Defeat is a good way to Stand Still.


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Re: Pro Shop nightmare
« Reply #9 on: May 01, 2003, 09:51:34 PM »
Well, the shop owner only had one chance to make a first impression. He did. Can't say it was favorable!!!
I had a pro shop owner who I'd gone to for several years refuse to change a pitch in my thumbhole. I told him I wanted to try it, and I was told that he was the pro, and knew how he fit the ball to my hand, and he wouldn't change it for any experiment.
I took my business elsewhere. Not only is my "new" pro shop guy more knowledgeable, he re-did 9 more thumbholes after the change to the first one worked!!! And he's had almost all my business since. AND - several times I've gone in wanting a ball, and he's said - wait - you don't need that ball. Wait till they bring out the next one.... He's actually REFUSED to take my money! He's got as much of my business as I can give him from now on!!!

One advantage of bowling over golf
is that you seldom lose the ball.
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Re: Pro Shop nightmare
« Reply #10 on: May 01, 2003, 10:09:19 PM »
That's how it should be done, mumzie.  Of course, there are some difficult things that make you gunshy with a pro shop.  If somebody comes in and tells us they want to change something, we do it, no problem.  The thing is though, you have some dumb people that get their ball, and it didn't feel quite like they'd expected, so naturally we did something wrong, and they either want it free or want us to redo it for free.  Maybe it's just my city, the boss and his brother are from another city, and they say Topeka it absolutely awful.  Topeka people are pretty terrible, they're rude, cheap, AND stupid.
This post is A+ Hamster certified!

Kung Fu Hamster X, Jujitsu Guinea Pig, or Legend of Drunken Ferret?  New names still being pondered . . .


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Re: Pro Shop nightmare
« Reply #11 on: May 02, 2003, 02:00:04 AM »
So, after reading all these replies, and from my own experience, a good pro shop/owner driller will give you advice for you to ponder and will not get bent out of shape if you discuss it or even refuse it. He will listen to what you have to say and tell you why he agrees or disagrees BUT will abide by your decision. ("The customer is always right.")

Also discussions, descriptions and explained reasons will never include the words "because I'm the pro and I told you so."

This also means you should treat him as you wish to be treated and vice versa!

All relationships MUST be two-way streets!
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Pro Shop nightmare
« Reply #12 on: May 02, 2003, 05:14:56 AM »
Bjaardker, The Ball is a Monster ScreamR.
Winning and Losing are both very temporary things. Having done one or the other, we move on. Gloating over Victory or Sulking in Defeat is a good way to Stand Still.


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Re: Pro Shop nightmare
« Reply #13 on: May 02, 2003, 05:38:46 AM »
Also is there a 24 or 36 strike model available?

I'll take one of each.


The first approach is the "guru" approach.  It works very well with certain personalities!  Not yours obviously.


PS wanting one of each 12 strike, 24 strike and 36 strike balls.
If you get a 48 strike one in stock please contact me too!
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Pro Shop nightmare
« Reply #14 on: May 02, 2003, 07:22:10 AM »
Back before I knew much about ball designs and drillings, I bought everything from the local pro shop guy here, and now I realize he was/is a complete idiot.  I bought 3 balls from him and they were all drilled differently (span and pitch) and all he would sell me were Zones.  Well, after taking off a few seasons, I came back and still had only the old stuff to throw.  Well, I had those worked on by Ron Williams over in Fort Worth and I started using ONLY him to do all my stuff.  I started buying balls over the internet and I had him drill them for me, and I guess my better business mind took control, because I felt sort of bad for him not getting any money off the ball.  I actually talked to him about it once, and he told me not to worry about it because he made money on the drilling.  Well, when he drilled another internet ball for me, I went ahead and bought a new spare ball from him and I told him that when I got the money together, I would buy a higher priced ball from him to sort of make up for the balls he drilled for me that I got off the net.  Well, 2 weeks ago I finally got the money and I went in asking for his advice.  He sold me the Columbia Flipside WOW, and I totally love the ball.  I made a special trip to the shop just to thank him for the ball recommendation.  We talked about the whole internet thing, and he said it doesn't bother him to drill stuff that is brought in, as long as the person doesn't go in the shop and ask his advice, and then go get the ball elsewhere and come back and ask him to drill it.  Bottom line I guess is Ron Williams is a great pro shop owner, and a great ball driller.
I think I'm having a breakdown... I've never felt so comfortable.