Well, my pro shop guy is reasonable - he realizes that I have lots of sources for equipment other than him. (As a PWBA member, my world is a little bigger than the average shop.) He sometimes is amazed at the variety of equipment I drag in.
I buy a couple of balls a year from him at or around retail, and most of my tape and other sundry items. Other than that, he drills everything else for me.
I have sometimes paid him more than his asking price, because I think his services are valuable to me. And I don't hesitate to ask his advice, even on balls I don't get from him, because I trust him... Yes - it's a unique and great spot to be in.
Now - the other guy - the one I USED to use - it's amazing. He'd actually call me and tell me he just got in a great ball I had to have. So I'd go down and check it out - not knowing much about equipment, layout, etc, at that time, I really had no choice but to trust him. So I'd pay full retail for a ball that was ABSOLUTELY perfect for my game. I'd show up for monte carlo (yep, monte carlo) at that house, and find 6 or 8 more of the same perfect ball on the rack. Obviously, he's a member of the ball of the month club, and was only selling the balls he makes the most money from. Now - that is a viable business model that might work for 80% of his clientele - BUT when he has the VERY serious bowler in, seems to me that model should change somewhat.
One advantage of bowling over golf
is that you seldom lose the ball.