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Author Topic: Pro Shop owners or employees  (Read 1040 times)


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Pro Shop owners or employees
« on: January 30, 2005, 03:52:03 AM »
Got a question for you guys. I am looking for a ball for heavier oil, something I struggle with.  I have tried a number of ball like the Phenom, Ultimate Inferno. I have had the same problem with them, the ball roll out due to my slower speed, (14MPH). Polishing helps, but defeats the purpose, heavier oil.  I am a down and in stroker with a small but decent hitting hook.  Is there a ball that would be a better fit for me? Something I could get through the oil but not rollout. I have not had success with asymmetrical cores. Light bulb cores have been good to me and have had success with the Columbia Wicked and Original Inferno. Give me some ball choice ideas and layout possibilities.  Lend me your expertise. Thanks.



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Re: Pro Shop owners or employees
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2005, 12:26:33 PM »
You are trying to hook the ball more than your release will allow.

The fact that your oil balls are rolling out but if you go to less surface on the ball then you don’t get the required hook as well, bares this out.

Some balls have a higher torque rating than others. Columbia, Track, and Storm are known for this but higher torque balls also tend to go longer.

You could look for a higher torque ball but high torque balls don’t tend to be oilers. And most good oil drills start the ball early which is why you are rolling out.

You might try and take the surface down a little on your current oil ball to gain a little length so it doesn’t roll out.

I would look at doing one or more of the following, increasing your ball speed, increasing your revs, or simply using your other balls and playing the lane straighter.


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Re: Pro Shop owners or employees
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2005, 01:21:00 PM »
Pinbuster, I'm sure you're right about my release. I am a converted lefty and I'm sure that I will never be able to throw the ball hard enough or rev it much more than I do now. Being I'm older (47), and not a natural lefty I would guess I need to play straighter at the pocket. Thanks for your help. Angst, do you think my original Inferno dulled would give me a better chance? As much as I want to get an AMF Titan, I don't think want to invest more money in my arsenal at the moment. Thanks to you also. If anybody else has an idea I'll surely listen.