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Author Topic: Pro Shop Prices  (Read 6590 times)

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Pro Shop Prices
« on: October 25, 2003, 10:56:42 AM »
OK, after reading a couple of threads about prices to drill balls not bought at the pro shop, I am interested in seeing what you guys think of my prices. Remember-----I am a newly opened shop, trying to get some interest in me. Notice I said in me....not my shop. I think Pro Shop owners/operators are selling themselves, sales men per say.

A couple more things to add before I get into the prices, I am the newest shop around me, and I feel I know as much if not more about layouts than any of the other guys. Here is the perfect example-------I had a guy bring in 2 bowling balls for me to look at and then drill him another ball. He had a purple Monster, and Matrix Conquest. He told me that he told the guy that drilled these balls that he wanted them to hook. SO----the other pro shop drilled them the next to the ring finger and the CG stacked below. WELL, that guys axis point was 3 inch over and 2 1/2 inches up(a spinner).........ALMOST exactly where the pin was located. SO on his new ball (a Throttle), I moved the pin to 3 3/8 from his PAP.....the guy shot his first 700 series ever the next week. I do not think alot of people take enough time for bowlers.

OK....on to prices, and please, let me know what you think.

--To drill a blank ball----me providing grips and slug>$25
--Top end balls (I have not dealt with Lane 1 yet) $180 drilled with grips and slug
--resurface (still using a spinner, want a Haus eventually) $15
--Polish, sand, clean with GOOD cleaners(for stuff not bought from me)>$5
--Mid price stuff $120-$150 drilled with grips and slug

That is most of the stuff....there a little things here and there, but just wanted to see what you guys thought about the prices on the things listed.


Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

900 Global, AMF Staff Bowler

Tag Team Member #1

<b><i>TAG TEAM COACHING!!!!!!</i></b>/



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Re: Pro Shop Prices
« Reply #16 on: October 26, 2003, 11:30:06 AM »
Oh, and the plugging prices I put up also includes the price to drill it when the plug is set.  50 to plug and redrill with thumb and finger inserts doesn't sound too horrible to me.
I'm BETTER than you because . .

1) I've met the DNL leprechaun
2) I get paid to watch tv.
3) My dad's friend's brother knows Chris Barnes' stepdad.  
4) Kristi's my buuuuuddy
5) I get to witness a man with the speed and revs of Robert Smith combined with the accuracy of the guards in the lobby scene of the Matrix average 240
6) I can throw a better fit over nothing than you can.


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Re: Pro Shop Prices
« Reply #17 on: October 26, 2003, 02:11:39 PM »
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Re: Pro Shop Prices
« Reply #18 on: October 26, 2003, 07:11:05 PM »
As a CONSUMER .. If I wish to purchase something and there are 3 different shops (within 1/2 hour radius) and the item I wanted cost $5 in one/$7 in another/and $10 in a third .. I would give my business to the $5 guy .. until he proves unworthy then I would go to the $7 until unsatisfied then LAST I WOULD GO TO THE $10 SHOP. You say I can't afford the $10 and it's not the customer you want .. I say I can afford ANYTHING but I DON'T WANT YOU IF YOU ARE A SHOP THAT OVER-CHARGES!

You want to look at it from the SHOP OWNERS point of view .. GOOD .. If you want to STAY IN Business be FAIR to the CUSTOMERS!

Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O
RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones!

channel surfer

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Re: Pro Shop Prices
« Reply #19 on: October 26, 2003, 08:51:42 PM »
Believe it or not, those are actually the cheapest prices in the area.

agreed. channel surfer, you are getting RIPPED off left and right at that place.
Justin G. Pyle
AIM: Sir Bowlsalott
Yahoo: JustinGPyle
I have a lot of balls.

My Bowling Clinic Site:

ASK A PRO: - save an additional $3 off any $100 order by simply typing in CSB into the coupon code area at checkout.

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Pro Shop Prices
« Reply #20 on: October 26, 2003, 10:49:21 PM »
Well, there are 3 others real close----I am #4. Not to mention that within 20 minutes there are a total of about 10 pro shops.

I am trying to sell myself---my knowledge and my honesty.

I see people listing other prices, so I will add more.

Inserts-----$5 installed
Slug $10 installed
PLUG----$6.50 a hole....that is the price to plug and drill

More than anything I am trying to be FAIR. The guy that said he has bought stuff at another shop around here, well, to buy a high end ball, you are paying $20-$30 more for that ball there. They want $25 to plug a thumb, and move it and have a slug put in. I know this because I had one done in the summer.

My prices are low because I can charge those prices and still make more than enough money for the business to run itself. Running itself means buying tools, or anything new that I may want. I hope to have a Haus machine around March.

Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

900 Global, AMF Staff Bowler

Tag Team Member #1

<b><i>TAG TEAM COACHING!!!!!!</i></b>/


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Re: Pro Shop Prices
« Reply #21 on: October 27, 2003, 06:44:38 AM »
A lot of the prices for grips,slugs,drilling etc are about the same here, in aussie $. With our $ heading past 70c US either ball prices are going to go down a little, or margins are going to go up(not a bad thing,  10-15$ more profit per ball adds up after a while, they are making a living after all)
EVERYONE wants some of this!!!
Time for some REAL bowling!!!


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Re: Pro Shop Prices
« Reply #22 on: October 27, 2003, 07:22:14 AM »
What are you looking for in a proshop?

If you haven’t had a ball drilled before and/or you are having grip problems causing injury and/or grip problems that are causing releasing problems then you had better be looking for the proshop that has someone who has the best track record of correcting those issues. You should be willing to pay about any price to correct these issues.

If you have your spec’s and are happy with them then you are looking for someone who can drill to those spec’s and with enough ball knowledge to recommend balls and layouts.

If none of this matters to you then get a black and decker drill and drill it by hand.

Far too often around here the proshops with cheap prices can not copy a ball, can not drill to specs given, can not balance a ball (they’ll say static weights don’t matter but wait until you have 3 balls thrown out a nationals and one takes a  1 ¼ hole 5 inches deep to fix), put people into balls that weigh to much (no good but a boat anchor), measure spans ½” too long, apply the same pitch to every ball, etc, etc, etc.

If you have someone who does the job right it is well worth an extra $20 or $30 to get it done right the first time.


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Re: Pro Shop Prices
« Reply #23 on: October 27, 2003, 08:45:32 AM »
PIN .. bowling all those years .. if you haven't had a DRILLER satisfy you yet .. you must be a pretty tough customer .. my point is .. once your satisfied .. if he keeps charging you the SAME EXTRA $30 .. who's being fooled? THIS IS NOT A BASHING .. ONLY TRYING TO MAKE A POINT!!

Most drillers can DUPLICATE a drilling .. you gotta give them credit for SOMETHING!

Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O
RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones!


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Re: Pro Shop Prices
« Reply #24 on: October 27, 2003, 09:19:00 AM »
I have not read all the posts but you are selling your services too cheap.  Most customers do not understand what it takes to run a Pro Shop.  You have to keep up with all the latest balls, cores and surfaces, not to mention the various layouts and fitting techniques.  How much of your time is spent going to seminars, reading bowling magazines, talking to other pro shop owners, and of course talking to your customers.  Buying Pro shop equipment and stocking the shop is expensive, but getting the proper knowledge to properly fit and drill a ball is definitly expensive and time consuming.

If people want Wal-Mart pricing regardless of the quality of service that good pro shops provide, then let them go to Wal-Mart. If you want quality service with knowledgeable operators, then they should go to a good pro shop.

If you are good at fitting, layouts and provide the proper information to your customers, they will come regardless of price.  If you are not, then lower your prices and put a Wal-Mart sign on your door and sit back and wait for your "Going Out Of Business Sale" to happen, because sooner or later, it will happen.


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Re: Pro Shop Prices
« Reply #25 on: October 27, 2003, 11:19:43 AM »
Joe – I have found one and have been going to him for 23 years and he has been in business over 27 years. I have been helping in the proshop the last 15 years. I’m willing to pay (within some reason) whatever it takes to get any job done right. Be it ball drilling, auto mechanics, having carpet laid, computer repairs, etc, etc. … I’m willing to pay to get the job done right the first time and keep him in business so I can go the next time.

I can’t tell you how many balls we have seen come in from one of his customers that went somewhere else for a “bargain” that they missed any combination of the span, thumb pitch, sizes of the holes, or the ball balance. They come dragging in a new ball they saved $20 on and end up having to spend $20 or $30 plugging and re-drilling the ball. So on top of spending at least as much they end up with a plugged ball.

I would say half the drillers in town could not duplicate a drilling. Many are just the kid behind the desk who drills balls between mopping the floor. Most haven’t been in business longer than 2 years and at the prices they charge the will not be in another 2 years because they will be broke.

We don’t gouge any one but insist on making a reasonable profit on the sale of a ball. If they want to drill them for $10 over cost let them we take care of the people who want it done right first time.

As pchee2 said by and large bowlers are cheap and particularly for the wrong reasons.  


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Re: Pro Shop Prices
« Reply #26 on: October 27, 2003, 11:41:26 AM »
I just had a ball drilled at my shop 3 days ago and I was charged $40 for tips and slug and drilling.

Also I have a card at my shop that I paid $45 for that includes the following:
1 Bottle of the pro shops cleaner
2 Ball resurfaces
1 pair of grips
4 clean and polish

I had him drill me up a ball about 3 months ago. The thumb was short. He took the measurement off another ball. When I took a tape it measured the same. But when I put my hand in the ball it was short. Go figure, But he put a slug in the ball because I didn't want it to be plugged. and moved the thumb back a little....Perfect.  Charged me $35 to drill the ball with tips and no slug....and he moved the thumb for free!

Bowl Cool Wear Shades

Edited on 10/27/2003 12:50 PM

Bowl Cool Wear SHADES


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Re: Pro Shop Prices
« Reply #27 on: October 27, 2003, 06:10:51 PM »
Here's what goes into the price of drilling a ball from a reputable/knowledgeable pro shop.

1. Ball is weighed to find the exact CG (many balls are off)
2. Fitting
3. Drilling
4. Finishing touches, sanding, beveling, opening hole ect..(this is not done on the PBA Tour).
5. Surface prep/adjusting if necessary.
6. High Tech Layout, usually decided by the pro.
7. Balancing Axis and Leverage weight drillings w/extra hole. This takes extra time and knowledge for precise measuring/calculations for proper balance.
8. Guarantee, if ball doesn't work they'll fix it for free or drill another ball if something went wrong.
9. Tip on how to release the ball with some coaching involved. He will watch you bowl and give you advice.
10. Extra service's, i.e. drill while you wait(same day drilling).

These are all the little things that go into drilling/selling a bowling ball. Many of these things are taken for granted. So, you're not only paying for the time it takes, you're paying for the knowledge and experience that you're getting also.

Believe me, the advantage gained that you get from a knowedgable ball driller is im-measureable, usually goes un-noticed and is under appreciated..!! This knowledge my friend is priceless, and worth every penny he charges. =:^D

just joe

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Re: Pro Shop Prices
« Reply #28 on: October 27, 2003, 06:43:51 PM »
as a consumer, i recognize  balls can be purchased lower on line. i will occasionally make a purchase, take it to my local pro shop for driling. he charges $35.00, grips and slug. most of my new purchases are done thru him at his price. what he gives is prompt, courtious, accurate service, dosent nickle and dime for a touch of polish or sand. dont sell your self short, be equally competitive, if your that good, your service will sell itself.