The start of the new fall season is supposed to stimulate business, right? If so, you'd think that our city wasn't having leagues this year. We've sold hardly any balls, but we've been doing a lot of busy work. A lot of plugging and redrilling, changing grips or slugs, surface changes and just a lot of little things. I'm sure the boss would frown on me saying this stuff, but I'm just trying to gather info yet again on how we could boost sales. We can't lower prices, we're already selling quite a ways below retail. The boss is starting a tournament pretty soon to help a little more. He's tried giving gift certificates to a select few of our best customers also. He's given himself and myself incentives to sell more, at certain goals we allow ourselves a free ball or so. But not only are we going to miss our goal this month, we're not gonna get in the same area code, and it's really concerning us both. I mean, he's got another job, but this is my only one. He'd like to keep the shop, and I'd like to keep my job, but if sales don't pick up, I'm not sure either of us are going to be in much luck. And the sad thing is that we're the most prominent shop in the city by a long shot. There's one guy that has some loyal customers, but more often than not we have people come in with equipment for us to fix because other drillers in the city have really screwed it up. We're not losing money by any means, but it's not near enough to make all the extra work, effort and patience worth it at all. The hours and hours my boss spends with upkeep, ordering and all that is too straining to make it worth his while. He works 40 hours a week to begin with, and then another 30 at the shop. Then with cheap skinflint customers that whine and complain about paying our already discounted prices and thinking they should get something for nothing, it's running my patience thin, and I don't need to keep track of more than what needs to be done and ordered. Opinions? Suggestions? I'd really appreciate any help. Thanks.
Forget Kung Fu, I know Ron Bahr!!!
The only difference between youth and adult leagues are that the big boys are allowed to whine. They're more entertaining anyway.