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Author Topic: Pro Shop Woes... any Suggestions appreciated...  (Read 5794 times)


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Pro Shop Woes... any Suggestions appreciated...
« on: April 12, 2007, 05:50:30 PM »
Ok, as some of you may know, or maybe not, I own a Proshop in Southeastern Kansas just south of Wichita. I took over the proshop and signed a one year contract on December 12, 2006. (meaning im there till december 11, 2007)

The bowling alley i am in has a lot of league bowlers and has various leagues every night. My hours of operation are as follows:

Monday 5-7 (the one night i bowl league)
Tuesday 5-8:30
Wednesday 5-8:30
Thursday 9-noon (senior league) and  5-8:30
Friday  5-9
Saturday 9-noon (juniors)

I believe that that covers every league except one small womens league during the day on wednesday.

The trouble i am having is, one, getting customers into the shop, and two, getting said customers to purchase something.
I have worked at this bowling alley for 2 years prior to taking over the shop so i feel have a good sense of what goes on and i definately know most league bowlers.

I believe my biggest problem is my age. I am 19 years old and, not to sound cocky, i know what i am doing. I have been to a week long jayhawk class, a powerhouse clinic and i have participated in an IBPSIA HOTS seminar. I have the certificates displayed in easy view in my proshop.

It appears to me as though the bowlers see a "kid" and think... who is he and what does he know about bowling?

My prices are also very reasonable/low side. For a blank drill i charge 30 for plastic and 40 for others (grips, but not slugs, included). For a full plug and redrill i charge 25 plus grips/slugs. The pricing on my balls and other equip is also very low compared to surrounding areas. For example, a proshop in wichita that i know the owner and am friends with charges 219 drilled for the TNV. In my shop, i have the TNV for 184 drilled. Thats 35 dollars cheaper, as is the case on most of my goods.

I guess my request is, if anybody has been in the situation i have been in or think they know something to get people in the shop... please tell me. Any suggestion at all will be greately appreciated.



PS. i dont think its the summer months causing this, it has been a going thing for about 2 months.


C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Pro Shop Woes... any Suggestions appreciated...
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2007, 01:54:13 AM »
I am a firm believe in "package" deals. Target all potential customers, including beginners.....plastic/bag/shoes combo deals etc....
Carl Hurd
C-G Pro Shop (owner/operator)
Youngstown Ohio

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Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

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Re: Pro Shop Woes... any Suggestions appreciated...
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2007, 01:56:47 AM »
its prolly a trust thing bout ur age i know u more than likely no ur stuff but people are very reluctant to let a quote unquote kid drilling there retail ball. u need to get a rep have someone talking bout u. ur prices are good i wish those prices were around here i would b in there and i know ton of others would b also. just keep at it get ur name out and u may want to extend hours. you dont really leave a lot of time. thats just my honest opinion if u need anything else pm me
Adam Carreon

Northern Illinois
University Bowling


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Re: Pro Shop Woes... any Suggestions appreciated...
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2007, 01:57:25 AM »
i also agree with carl he is a good guy my roomate deals with him all the time
Adam Carreon

Northern Illinois
University Bowling


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Re: Pro Shop Woes... any Suggestions appreciated...
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2007, 02:08:30 AM »
what kind of hours would you, as a "customer" like to see?... just curious


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Re: Pro Shop Woes... any Suggestions appreciated...
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2007, 04:33:47 AM »

I laugh with you and in the fact that I know your pain (I'm 21).  There are alot of bowlers within the two cities that I bowl, but in either pro shop there is no real pro shop guys.  Of course, I live in a small city in Kentucky, and the owner IS the pro shop guy.  The prices are completely unreasonable in one house, and the other only offers balls from the 70-80s.  I have drilled my own equipment, have made a reservation for my first Powerhouse clinic, and have been personal friends with two R&D guys (one being the V.P. of R&D) from Ebonite.  I know drillings, pin & MB placements from PAP (and how they are important), etc.  These guys ask me questions, I tell them answers.  And yet, I cannot seem to get these owners to understand that I am not just some kid trying to steal their business.

Your prices are VERY good as apposed to what I see.  For example, The One in my local proshop is $260 drilled without grips or slug.  I try to tell him that he will NEVER sell it at that price to anyone who knows bowling balls, but he refuses to listen.  I'm just a kid who reads articles and watches videos...certainly not a person who knows what they are doing even though they drill their own equipment.

Personally, I know how frustrating it is.  Hopefully one day people will see that age really is just a number, especially when you can SHOW them what you are capable of.  Keep up the good work and I wish you well in all of your endeavors.  If you want to speak more, just send me a message.

Matthew R. Adams
Current Line-up:
Ebonite Angular One
Ebonite Apex Aggression
Ebonite RXS 300
D/T Vendetta Sniper

Coming soon:
Hammer No Mercy


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Re: Pro Shop Woes... any Suggestions appreciated...
« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2007, 07:28:36 AM »
I personally think your hours are to short, especially on Saturday. The weekends are sometimes the only free time people have for doing stuff like pro shop work.. maybe even open up Sunday 5 hours..

Also, don't just target league bowlers. My friend owns a pro shop and he makes alot of $$$ off open play bowlers that just stop in on the weekends to bowl and end up buying a ball shoes and a bag..

Just my 2 cents..
I think the great slump of 2006-2007 is finally coming to an end!!
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Re: Pro Shop Woes... any Suggestions appreciated...
« Reply #7 on: April 13, 2007, 07:30:07 AM »
Hold a raffle every once in a while.  If it's one of the hot new balls, you shouldn't have any problems selling enough tickets to cover the price of the ball.  Every time you do this, it will be another person who has a ball drilled by your shop.  Word of mouth of a good drilling job should help your reputation.  Once they see you know what you're doing, more people will take you seriously.
Penn State Proud

Special thanks to Dynothane, Visionary, and Lane#1 for donations to the Ballreviews Get Together.

Ron Clifton's Bowling Tip Archive


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Re: Pro Shop Woes... any Suggestions appreciated...
« Reply #8 on: April 13, 2007, 07:39:28 AM »

You said you took over the Pro shop from a previous owner?  I was just curious as to how much business the shop did under the old ownership?

As far as age goes, It doesnt matter to me how old a driller is as long as he  knows his stuff.  I take it you are a pretty experienced bowler yourself and I would agree that a reputation has a lot to do with pro shops.  The shop I go to has three people working in it, the owner age 40 or so, another worker age 40 plus and a kid 21.  Guess who drills my stuff?  Yep the 21 year old.  He has learned a lot from the owner and he knows what kinda drills I like etc., so I have no problem going to him.

A little aside for you.  I used to frequent another Pro Shop for a long time, however I finally switched to the Shop I go to now.  Why did I switch?  Well, for one the old shop didnt have convenient hours for me and the owner/ driller was never there.  Service is a big thing in my book and I saw the old shop loose a lot of business to this factor.

Keep plugging away and best of luck to you.


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Re: Pro Shop Woes... any Suggestions appreciated...
« Reply #9 on: April 13, 2007, 07:49:01 AM »
Yes, your age may be part of the problem.  I'm 36 but look 18.  I had a real hard time to get people to take me seriously in business transactions because I looked so young and inexperienced.

What I've done to help the problem is wear glasses all the time, (adds perceived age & intelligence), and grown out my facial hair, (adds a few years of age.)  You'd be amazed at how differently people treat me now because of these small changes.

Also, what do you wear around the shop?  Are you in jeans & t-shirt?  I would say jeans are OK, but I would wear a nice bowling shirt around with perhaps a shop apron over it. (Maybe a bowling shirt with your name on the back).  I think that would help let people know you take your job seriously and mean business.


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Re: Pro Shop Woes... any Suggestions appreciated...
« Reply #10 on: April 13, 2007, 07:54:04 AM »
Some nice suggestions above.  One thing I have started doing (not sure if it would work for you since you are "separate" from the lanes) is to hand out a couple "free game" passes with the purchase of a ball.  I usually tell them to try the ball out, make sure the fit is just right.. and the surface is properly adjusted.  If I have an opportunity, I go out to the lanes (as usually they use the passes that same day) and watch them throw a few shots.  Just knowing that you are willing to help and make sure everything is right goes a long ways.  Since I started this, I have had multiple repeat customers AND references from these customers.  It has worked out quite well.

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Re: Pro Shop Woes... any Suggestions appreciated...
« Reply #11 on: April 13, 2007, 07:55:18 AM »
I second the Sunday recommendation.

Around every house runs special rates Sunday mornings before noon. The center is packed between 9 to 12 because that time slot has become primetime for league bowlers to practice (and get a little pot action going.) Almost every Sunday someone says they wish the shop was open.

Also, be visible and friendly with the bowlers. If your shop is empty, throw on your apron and walk around the lanes for a few minutes and chat with the bowlers. Maybe if you talk bowling enough, the guys will realize you know that you're not just a kid and you really know your stuff.

Good luck!
"Student of the Game"


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Re: Pro Shop Woes... any Suggestions appreciated...
« Reply #12 on: April 13, 2007, 07:59:52 AM »
Matt .. I've read every bit of this .. I don't think I've ever seen this much GOOD ADVICE! I wish you luck ..if I were closer I'd give you some business .. from your posting/presentation I feel you have a good head on your shoulders and will survive. Once more .. GOOD LUCK!
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Re: Pro Shop Woes... any Suggestions appreciated...
« Reply #13 on: April 13, 2007, 08:12:39 AM »
A lot of the issue is that it is tough to start a new business. There is going to be a slow start unless you bought out a thriving business and keep there clients.

Proshops live as much on reputation of the driller as they do pricing.

Be there when you say you will. Do good work. Learn to fix peoples problems. It will take time but you will build a business.

Everyone talks about the technical aspects of layouts, hitting lines etc. But being able to measure people correctly the first time and fixing there comfort issues. Learn to do that and bowlers will start to come to you.

For my money I go to Justin for several reasons. First he was trained by the best in town before he retired and second he is a friend. I would not go to Brent unless Justin has changed his ways.

I wouldn't go to Billy as he drills everybodys thumb pitch the same way as his. 1/4 rev 1/8 left.


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Re: Pro Shop Woes... any Suggestions appreciated...
« Reply #14 on: April 13, 2007, 08:19:40 AM »
I doubt very much the age is an issue, but my wondering is that if you take the time to go out and watch the bowlers and talk to them while their bowling. Introduce yourself to them, and offer them a league discount ( doesn't have to be much, but if the bowlers see that you are there to help, maybe that'll give them incentive to come in the door). Once they are in the door, half the battle is won. Just a thought

Good luck