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Author Topic: Pro Shop Woes... any Suggestions appreciated...  (Read 5795 times)


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Pro Shop Woes... any Suggestions appreciated...
« on: April 12, 2007, 05:50:30 PM »
Ok, as some of you may know, or maybe not, I own a Proshop in Southeastern Kansas just south of Wichita. I took over the proshop and signed a one year contract on December 12, 2006. (meaning im there till december 11, 2007)

The bowling alley i am in has a lot of league bowlers and has various leagues every night. My hours of operation are as follows:

Monday 5-7 (the one night i bowl league)
Tuesday 5-8:30
Wednesday 5-8:30
Thursday 9-noon (senior league) and  5-8:30
Friday  5-9
Saturday 9-noon (juniors)

I believe that that covers every league except one small womens league during the day on wednesday.

The trouble i am having is, one, getting customers into the shop, and two, getting said customers to purchase something.
I have worked at this bowling alley for 2 years prior to taking over the shop so i feel have a good sense of what goes on and i definately know most league bowlers.

I believe my biggest problem is my age. I am 19 years old and, not to sound cocky, i know what i am doing. I have been to a week long jayhawk class, a powerhouse clinic and i have participated in an IBPSIA HOTS seminar. I have the certificates displayed in easy view in my proshop.

It appears to me as though the bowlers see a "kid" and think... who is he and what does he know about bowling?

My prices are also very reasonable/low side. For a blank drill i charge 30 for plastic and 40 for others (grips, but not slugs, included). For a full plug and redrill i charge 25 plus grips/slugs. The pricing on my balls and other equip is also very low compared to surrounding areas. For example, a proshop in wichita that i know the owner and am friends with charges 219 drilled for the TNV. In my shop, i have the TNV for 184 drilled. Thats 35 dollars cheaper, as is the case on most of my goods.

I guess my request is, if anybody has been in the situation i have been in or think they know something to get people in the shop... please tell me. Any suggestion at all will be greately appreciated.



PS. i dont think its the summer months causing this, it has been a going thing for about 2 months.



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Re: Pro Shop Woes... any Suggestions appreciated...
« Reply #16 on: April 13, 2007, 09:07:43 AM »
I've read every bit of this, as well, and there is some great advice.

Fyi..., by occupation, I've been a Senior Buyer for 10+ yrs, and as a customer who mostly frequents pro shops on weekends, I switched pro shops recently due to pro shop hours and pro shop owner attitude (cocky know-it-all).

Not too long ago I bought three balls and happened to bowl against the owner (of the shop I visited during league play) and he said, you didn't buy your SA, Shift and T-Road Pearl from me. I said, well, if you were around more I might have.


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Re: Pro Shop Woes... any Suggestions appreciated...
« Reply #17 on: April 13, 2007, 09:18:48 AM »
You didn't mention how good a bowler you are.

That can affect attitudes also!


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C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Pro Shop Woes... any Suggestions appreciated...
« Reply #18 on: April 13, 2007, 10:59:00 AM »
Trust me....from experience....DO NOT GIVE YOUR SERVICES FOR FREE! Once you do that it is almost expected and that is not a good thing. Another option to consider is maybe giving deals such as replace 4 sets of finger grips, get the 5th free.
But doing things for free.....not good. Keep your services at a premium you paid for your training and that should be worth something!

Carl Hurd
C-G Pro Shop (owner/operator)
Youngstown Ohio

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Re: Pro Shop Woes... any Suggestions appreciated...
« Reply #19 on: April 13, 2007, 12:00:38 PM »
To echo what Briley said, why such short hours on the weekend?  Or what about during the week during the day.

Most league bowlers, aren't going to drill up a ball before/during their league.  

Also, think about who the clientele is.  I know that I bowl with a lot of cops, and "blue collar" guys.  Well, a lot of them have to work 2nd or 3rd shift and therefore would rather visit a pro shop during the day or on the weekend.  

With my work schedule, it's almost impossible for me to get to the pro shop during the week, I get 99% of my stuff done on Sundays.  I'll hang out if I have nothing else to do and most Sundays, the shop has steady customers from 1-5.
What are you gonna do?  Beat me with your Jesus stick?


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Re: Pro Shop Woes... any Suggestions appreciated...
« Reply #20 on: April 13, 2007, 12:12:00 PM »
I'll hang out if I have nothing else to do and most Sundays, the shop has steady customers from 1-5.

Maybe a small TV plugged into the center's cable outlet to broadcast the Sunday PBA tournament?  Nothing better than people in the shop seeing the newest and latest equipment being used....  

Thank You... Only a Year Late!

I was shocked! says Theismann


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Re: Pro Shop Woes... any Suggestions appreciated...
« Reply #21 on: April 13, 2007, 12:17:44 PM »
To echo what Briley said, why such short hours on the weekend?  Or what about during the week during the day.

Most league bowlers, aren't going to drill up a ball before/during their league.  

Also, think about who the clientele is.  I know that I bowl with a lot of cops, and "blue collar" guys.  Well, a lot of them have to work 2nd or 3rd shift and therefore would rather visit a pro shop during the day or on the weekend.  

With my work schedule, it's almost impossible for me to get to the pro shop during the week, I get 99% of my stuff done on Sundays.  I'll hang out if I have nothing else to do and most Sundays, the shop has steady customers from 1-5.
What are you gonna do?  Beat me with your Jesus stick?

dan   well said,   one possible problem with bowling alley pro shops that are only open during league play is parking.   around here it is very diffulcult to find a parking space late at nite, once leagues start.  
and most women do not usually want to come out late at nite by themselves to get a ball or shoes etc.

and as dan pointed out,  when one is bowling in league,  this may not be the best time for them to buy a ball. most of out sales are made during the daytime hours.  and we are usually open till 4 or 5 on sat.

and it probably slow all over.  we all must grin and bear it.  and hope that
things get better.

good luck


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Re: Pro Shop Woes... any Suggestions appreciated...
« Reply #22 on: April 13, 2007, 12:58:40 PM »
wow... Thanks a TON for the advise, guys!!

To answer a few of the questions:

My bowling skill... Average 230 in the mens league i bowl, have shot 3 300's this season...

Inventory: Everything on display ranges from plastic to visaball to tropical storm/grooves to jolt/wrath to agents to tnv/fury/infernos... etc. Maybe a few one's every once in a while. I have a large, but not huge, selection of shoes and a large selection of accessories.

Time constraintsuring the day i have class at Wichita State. After seeing the advise, i will start opening the shop between 3:30 and 4 and will stay more hours on saturday and something like 1-5 on sunday.

Small Stuff: I do not charge for sanding thumbhole/fingers. Charge $1 for sanding a ball and $2 for polishing.

Rep: I have several friends that are on the high average list with me (we call it the junior takeover because we all bowled juniors together a couple of years ago) and i drill all of their stuff for great deals.
I will start telling them to spread the word of how they like the balls they have got drilled from me.

My appearence: I have always been, strange as it sounds, an anti-jean guy. I dont even own a pair of jeans... lol. I wear khakis all of the time, and usually i have a pair of shoes that are not "athletic" but not completely dress shoes on and i always wear a polo, usually one with the vise logo on it as they sent me several. I would like to call myself a person who does not have trouble talking to people, i'm not shy by anymeans but at the same time i like to think i remain professional about my converstions.

To anyone in Wichita, i am at derby bowl

Thanks again guys,



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Re: Pro Shop Woes... any Suggestions appreciated...
« Reply #23 on: April 13, 2007, 01:14:41 PM »
I'll hang out if I have nothing else to do and most Sundays, the shop has steady customers from 1-5.

Maybe a small TV plugged into the center's cable outlet to broadcast the Sunday PBA tournament?  Nothing better than people in the shop seeing the newest and latest equipment being used....  

Thank You... Only a Year Late!

I was shocked! says Theismann

That is one reason why I hang out.  I don't have cable, so I have to find somewhere else to watch.  I'm pretty good friends with my driller, so when it slows down it's nice to BS with him about bowling or whatever sports event is on TV.  

Matt - I know it's tough, but you need to have patience.  Age has a little to do with it, but more than that, you're new, so you don't have a reputation yet.  It may have been an existing pro shop, but a new owner makes it a new business.  

I don't know if it's been mentioned yet, but are you sponsoring a "Have-a-Ball" league this summer?  I know that's ALWAYS given my pro shop a nice boost in business.
What are you gonna do?  Beat me with your Jesus stick?


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Re: Pro Shop Woes... any Suggestions appreciated...
« Reply #24 on: April 13, 2007, 02:25:44 PM »
Sounds great!!!

Btw, just so you know, the sunday sixers is a VERY casual league, not a bad thing, but dont expect a lot of competition if thats what you were looking for


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Re: Pro Shop Woes... any Suggestions appreciated...
« Reply #25 on: April 13, 2007, 03:33:39 PM »

Ask yourself a fair question, how much money you want to make with 22.5 hours a week?  How many customer can you serve 22.5 hours a week?  How can all the customers to fit there time to your schedule?

About your age, your skill, your experience, you have to be there for them to see it, know it, try it.  Give them a chance by showing up, so they can give you a chance.  They cannot hunt you down to give you business, otherwise you don't need to lease a shop in a bowling center.

Be there the money will come, trust me on that.



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Re: Pro Shop Woes... any Suggestions appreciated...
« Reply #26 on: April 13, 2007, 03:50:46 PM »
A good suggestion that works well for us is become involved in Pro Shop days with the ball manufacturers. When Chuck gardner worked for Track he came a few tims we had Carolyn Dorin Ballard and just recently Mo Pinel. We are also actively involved in The Hammer and Ebonite demo days. These avenues will help you get people in the door and working with these skilled people will help to give you credibility in the industry. You mentioned going to school at Witchita how about tapping in to the bowling resources there to help you.
Ray Lathrop
Raymond Lathrop
Better Bowling Concepts


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Re: Pro Shop Woes... any Suggestions appreciated...
« Reply #27 on: April 13, 2007, 09:46:19 PM »
There is a lot of good advice here.
As a league bowler, if my pro shop was "new" I would be cautious until I heard something good. You could possibly give each league bowler a coupon for $40 off a high end ball/ $30 off a mid priced ball etc, maybe "free drilling of one new high end ball" coupons at the begining of each league.
The house I bowl in is family owned and the pro shop guy is the son. But they give each league bowler a "punch card" for 2 free games/ month. If nothing else it gets those bowlers in the house one more time that month.

Good Luck
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Re: Pro Shop Woes... any Suggestions appreciated...
« Reply #28 on: April 14, 2007, 09:51:38 AM »
We took over my dad's shop last year when he passed away.  It was a total change in life style.  The first thing we did was to get out and walk the concourse and talk to the bowlers once everything was under control.  We generate flyers with specials and pass them out during the leagues.  I carry some of the products with me as I walk around.  It's not unusal to sell 2 or 3 2 ball totea a night while doing this.  Many pro shop operators never come out of their shops.  We listened to what our bowlers wanted and gave it to them.  Our ball prices are internet competitive and our services are reasonable.  We belong to IBPSIA as regulars and associate members and plan to certify this June in Las Vegas.  Also our shop has 2 certified coaches with a long list of credentials.  

Ok now I hate to say this but you need to be a saleman.....    You can be the best driller in the world but if you cannot sell people on why to do business with you, you will starve to death.  Many shops sit around and wait for business to come to them.  It's more than prices and being able to drill.  You need to be fair and honest.  You take advantage or do a customer wrong and it will bite you 25 fold. Respect your customers and be fair.  I hate these terms but look outside the box and be a little creative.

Stats on our center>
48 lane house with 350 league bowlers
a few nights a week with good open bowling
a tournament usually twice a month

Shop hours Mon - Fri 5:30 to 8 Sat. 1 to 6  Call for appointments

When there is no one in the center why be there.  When there is make the most of it.  Also the center will call us if needed and we are 5 minutes away.

Our shop is doing really well.



Slick, tacky, wood or synthetic it does not matter your slide is correct with Bowlers Slide Sock.  The Finest Slide Sock on the Planet!!!
Top 100 Coaches by Bowler's Journal International 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012!  Outstanding Coach in the state of Texas by Bowler's Journal International 2006.
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Re: Pro Shop Woes... any Suggestions appreciated...
« Reply #29 on: April 14, 2007, 04:51:44 PM »
As long as you dress and act professionally, your age shouldn't be much of a factor. Without seeing your shop, its hard to say why they won't come in, but assuming your shop is presentable and inviting and well lit, you might think about displays outside your shop, if the center doesn't object. Use a cart or something on wheels that is portable. You might also think about longer hours. Why no hours when league is not going? That is when most people get ball work done and if they are in the center are more open to impulse buying.


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Re: Pro Shop Woes... any Suggestions appreciated...
« Reply #30 on: April 14, 2007, 07:17:31 PM »
Those are some nasty hours. You're open for 19.5 hours a week. Those are part time hours. I would definitely change those hours up.
Something like:

Monday: 12-8
Tudesday: 12-8
Wednesday: 12-8
Thursday: 12-8
Friday: 12-8
*take one of the weekdays off, whichever day you have the least amount of traffic
Saturday: 10-6
Sunday: 10-6

I would be working my @$$ off if I were to open up a pro-shop. Once business starts picking up and you're doing well, you might be able to cut the hours back some.

If this is a full time job for you, put in full time hours. What you put into the business is what you get out of it.
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