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Author Topic: Pro Shops PLEASE ANSWER  (Read 1862 times)


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« on: August 01, 2004, 10:03:13 AM »
i want to bowl for a living but i relize that is a very long shot so i was thinking when i get older maybe running a pro shop or some thing like that and i wanted to know about how much it takes to start and maintain one and how comfrotable you guys that own pro shops live thanks for all the help



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« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2004, 12:59:45 PM »
Rye1 -- Ditto to what TA and King said.  My best advice is to get a good education that will lead to a long time career.  You have to be one of the top 25 bowlers in the world to live on tournament earnings, and you'll starve to death relying on pro shop income.  The pro shop business is a good way to make a few extra bucks when you retire.  --  JohnP


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« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2004, 01:43:26 PM »
Another thing to add.

You need to have a significant other that provides things like medical insurance and other benefits.

I know of only one guy who made a decent living at the proshop business. He did it full time for close to 30 years and recently retired and living comfortably. But he made some of his best money before the internet craze started in. He was obviously the best at his craft in town and didn’t mind charging for it.

Most dabble in it a few years and then get a full time job somewhere else.

Everyone expects favors and freebies and don’t want to pay a market based price for services.

You would have to be in a major bowling market and it will take some time to develop your clientele.

If you buy new equipment you would need about $10k (probably $5k to 7K used) to get started and another $5k for inventory. Equipment needed would be drill press, bits, router, bevel sanders, scales, bevel knifes, high speed spinner, plug, plug colors, sandpaper, engraver, measuring ball, quarter round, span gauge, grease pencils, etc. Inventory would include balls, inserts, slugs, and bags.

This doesn’t include a rejuvenator or resurfacing machine.


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« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2004, 02:12:21 PM »
Hey Rye,

Everything mentioned is true, sad but very true.  Just like PinBuster, I only know of a couple of guys who have made a comfortable living at a shop and both got when the getting was good...pre-internet.  I re-opened my shop now at bare minimum for around $25K for the equipment/inventory that I wanted vs $15k like my first shop when I was 21.  It pays the bills, that's all.  I had a slight advantage before re-opening this time, people already knew of me to be a decent bowler, knowledgeable and friendly so I was able to build my clientele fairly quickly and easier than other guys who start up as the "new guy".  Good luck to you in both endeavors....they're both pretty tough.
Rick Leong
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« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2004, 05:13:35 PM »
the answer may be in one, I'm in a hurry.
DOes Reputation help a pro shop?
My son does drive a ways for certain guys he considers good.
My perspective was get out there, get a rep as a good bowler, and learn how to drill really well, and also coaching all in one.
I can't see spending years traveling all over like the big name guys.
My thoughts were spend a few years making a name for yourself, pick an area you enjoyed while out there that seemed to lack good pro shops and open one up there.
My sons all time wish is to have two lanes in his basement when he gets a house!!
Kathy, From PA!
Big mouth, loves to talk.
I wish I knew as much about bowling as my son.
He's not a bragger but mom sure loves to share his good times!

Mike Austin

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« Reply #5 on: August 03, 2004, 12:53:19 AM »

There have been a number of good comments so far.  Have to agree.

The reason I do this is I LOVE BOWLING!  I am eat up with bowling, and I'm lucky that my wife lets me be this way.

I don't do it for the money, my wife makes double what I make and has good benefits.  I made much more money and had benefits at my previous jobs.  But....for one thing, there just aren't very many truly good ball drillers.  There are so many untrained bozos doing this because they are too lazy to get a job, and/or remain bozos because they don't learn more about their craft.

I don't hesitate to tell people, I am not here to sell bowling balls, any bozo can do that.  I am here to help people get better at bowling, which many people love, and I wish more did.  When you truly help somebody get better at their passion, and don't just try to empty their wallet, I believe you will receive 10 fold in the long run.  Goes back to the earlier comment on word of mouth.

Please no flames from you business type people.  I know that this isn't correct BUSINESS attitude to have, I'm just too nice.

But like others have said, you gotta truly learn the craft, get a reputation that you do good work.  This is a very brutal industry to make a living at.  I honestly believe that I am one of the best drillers in the country, and trying to get better constantly, but I get undercut by other shops, some that have NEVER thrown a ball period.  When times get a little slow, like right now, it is very hard to stick to your guns, very hard on your ego.  It's not like a resturaunt, where you pay the menu price.  75% of people want to know what kind of deal you can give them, what my BEST price is, it's insulting.

The internet, have a ball, equipment leagues, and AMF haven't made the situation any better.

Sorry so long!

Mike Austin
Mike Austin's Precision Pro Shop
Houston, TX
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Coming soon !!!

Driller to many "Stars" and Tony Melendez too!
Onward through the Storm!!!!

Edited on 8/3/2004 0:50 AM
Mike Austin's Bowling Dynamix Pro Shops
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« Reply #6 on: August 03, 2004, 12:11:05 PM »
Mike -- I agree with you 100%.  I have a good retirement from 35 years in the paper industry.  That's the only way I can afford to do pro shop work.  I got into it because it's something I've always been interested in and I wanted to help our bowlers.  And I love it.  But there's no way I can recommend it to a young person as a career.  --  JohnP