Good News!! I can cure you all and raise your averages just by helping you cover your most hated spares! How do I know? I was once just like you, only my nemesis was the 6-10. Don't ask me how, but I could chop off the 6 9 out of 10 times. You'd think it'd be easier to just make the spare! However, what I found to be my way out, was to get it OUT OF YOUR HEAD.
I bet that 90% of the time, when you see the first ball heading off it's intended path, you are thinking "Oh God, don't leave the ____" Then, once it is standing you think "oh great. Here's another open - probably chop it like I always do." Therefore, your attitude is already set to miss this spare! Next time you face your nemesis spare, instead of sulking, get pumped up. Imagine the guy on the next lane just bet $100 you can't get it. Be determined to knock those #@!!*'s down!! Focus with the same intensity you do on the first ball and fill the frame!
It worked for me, hope it will help someone else out as well! You can do it if you put your mind to it!
PS - If I'm ever bowling any of you for money, forget what I just said and miss all the spares you want!

WHY won't the last one just fall?? It's
WIGGLING for cryin' out loud!!