General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: NevadaBowl on May 18, 2003, 10:23:58 PM
This kinda tags along with the topic The Hose started about 7-pins.
My question is are there any pins or pin combinations that really have your number? Most of us are pretty experienced bowlers and know our good and bad points. And I bet each of us has a pin combination (other than 7-10, and the big 4) that we really don't care to see in the 10th frame going for the win.
For months mine was the 1-2-8. If it popped up it, I confess I felt like saying "Just mark it down as a miss." I could put on a clinic about how to miss that one, because I have missed it in many frustrating ways.
Then all of a sudden, I haven't missed one in a couple of months. Nothing different that I can see, it just works now. Good news? Well, now the 4-pin hasn't been my friend for a couple of weeks. It is always something.
Am I the only one that has a less than favorite, although makeable, spare to pick up?
3-6-9-10. 2-4-5. Take your pick.
Golf was invented by the same people who think music comes out of bagpipes.
I am fortunate and don't leave the 3-6-9-10 often at all. But the last time I did I was really annoyed and picked up my spare ball, threw cross-alley right at the 3 pin, and son-of-a-gun! They all went down! Note to self....
For me, almost any combination that has the 2 pin in it.
For me it's the 3-10. I think I've made it twice in the last year. Like was already said, when that leave is standing I pretty much accept that I'm going to chop. By now it's totally in my head. I can make the 3-6-10 with little difficultly, and I know that shooting the 3-10 the same way should take care of it, but I just can't seem to make the shot.
7 pin.
I'm a righty and goes for this pin from extreme right. Always have doubts as to how many boards I should allow.
I don't use a spare plastc ball. Only strike ball.
I have no trouble with 1-2-8.
I have a 1-2 pocket shot that's quite accurate and use that for 1-2-8. 2-4-5. 2-4-5-8. 2-8 and 1-2-10.
Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach. Those who can't do or teach, writes. Bob Summerville, BTM Sept. 1997
Edited on 5/19/2003 10:32 PM
I hate to see the BUCKET. I usually chop the first
one I leave in a 3 game set. I ALWAYS cover the
second one, if I do leave a leave a second one.
I attribute that to the first one being practice.
I was sure you were going to mention some single pin spare, but not quite sure which pin it would be...
For me it's the 3-10. I think I've made it twice in the last year. Like was already said, when that leave is standing I pretty much accept that I'm going to chop. By now it's totally in my head. I can make the 3-6-10 with little difficultly, and I know that shooting the 3-10 the same way should take care of it, but I just can't seem to make the shot.
Also any 2-4 or 2-5 combo spare makes me want to pull my hair out.
Bowling is a habit- Just Do It !!!

The 4 pin bucket 2,4,5,8. I don't leave it very often
but the last few times I've missed it. I guess your
confidence isn't sky high after throwing a bad ball to
leave it in the first place.
The 3,6,9,10 is another hard one for me but I have spared
this the last few times I've left it.
Mines the double wood spares, 2-8 or 3-9. Then would be the 2-4-5, and the 3-5-6. Might as well add in the 4-7-8, hate that too. Come to think of it, I hate all spares.
Any of the rare leaves where the pin farthest left is closest to you.
I leave the 4-8 about once a month if a potential bucket leave some how starts to fall apart and I hate shooting it.
If I use plastic and throw straight you can almost count on the 4 getting taken off clean. If I hook the ball at it it's take the 4 off or not hook it enough and take the 8 off.
Or the rare and always entertaining to my team hook it too much and slide the 4 in front of the 8.
If I leave one someone on my team will say hold on don't shoot it yet. Everyone doesn't have their bets down. Yes these sick guys bet on how I'll miss it.
You haven't seen real LOFT until you've seen me bowl
I hate the 1-3-8. I don't see it often, but when I do I nearly always miss it. I can get any combination of two of the three of them, but nearly always leave one. My latest approach to it (my most successful yet) is a bullet straight at it from the left corner of the foul line. ( I'm a righty, by the way.) This works pretty well, as long as I'm on the left lane. On the right lane with the ball return in the way, I just have to throw a high strike ball and hope for the best.
da shiv,
Where do you hit for the 1-2-8.
A 1-2 brooklyn shot will get those. RH of course.
Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach. Those who can't do or teach, writes. Bob Summerville, BTM Sept. 1997
I actually saw a guy leave a 7-5-10 once. If that ever happens to me, I think I'll just sit down and cry.
5-7-10 twice in a week!
I would have to say 9 pins. One week this year though i left 3! Yes thats right 3, 5-8-10!In one series! Covered two of them!
I have a fairly successful shot for 1-2-10 and 1-2-4-10 washouts because, unfortunately, I have a lot of experience shooting for those. I shoot at them straight from the right corner of the foul line, aiming brooklyn. For 1-2-8s I just stand about 2 boards left of where I stand for those washouts and aim the same. The ball comes in on the nose and deflects into the the 2, and either the head pin or the ball takes the 8. This works well for me. I don't leave 1-2-8s very often, though, for some reason.
Good News!! I can cure you all and raise your averages just by helping you cover your most hated spares! How do I know? I was once just like you, only my nemesis was the 6-10. Don't ask me how, but I could chop off the 6 9 out of 10 times. You'd think it'd be easier to just make the spare! However, what I found to be my way out, was to get it OUT OF YOUR HEAD.
I bet that 90% of the time, when you see the first ball heading off it's intended path, you are thinking "Oh God, don't leave the ____" Then, once it is standing you think "oh great. Here's another open - probably chop it like I always do." Therefore, your attitude is already set to miss this spare! Next time you face your nemesis spare, instead of sulking, get pumped up. Imagine the guy on the next lane just bet $100 you can't get it. Be determined to knock those #@!!*'s down!! Focus with the same intensity you do on the first ball and fill the frame!
It worked for me, hope it will help someone else out as well! You can do it if you put your mind to it!
PS - If I'm ever bowling any of you for money, forget what I just said and miss all the spares you want!
Why, WHY won't the last one just fall?? It's WIGGLING for cryin' out loud!!
Let's see...where to start...
Washouts generally aren't too bad of a problem...I go at it from the left corner aiming brooklyn (i'm a righty) and pick it up more times than not
I agree...3-6-9-10 is pure evil...I throw straight at it (at EVERY spare, buckets, double wood, etc.) and have actually left just the 6 up there a couple times...weird...
Worst spare for me though is a 4-9 (which i think counts if you count washouts) In 16 years of bowling, I don't think i've ever picked it up!
The oddest spare though was I legitimately left a 1-2-6-7-9-10 at league...I don't know where the ball went, how it deflected, or anything, I was just baffled, and my teammates and I discussed for hours the next night on how to pick it up and couldn't come up with anything...weird...
Andrew Loose
Illinois State University Men's Team
Even though I have actually seen the 5-7-10 spare picked up TWICE in league play, I still feel that this anomoly should be worth a patch at the least!
I used to spare the 2-4-5 at least 90% of the time, but lately that leave conversion rate has dropped below the 50% mark. I blame it on old age, since I seem to be turning gray a lot faster than other bowlers around me. But, I can handle the gray, as long as it doesn't turn loose!
Dizzle, shoot for the 6! Can't hurt can it?
Why, WHY won't the last one just fall?? It's WIGGLING for cryin' out loud!!
The 7 of course but then any spare shot with more than one pin. I
usually do pretty well with one pin spares but multiple pin shots
can always cause a problem. Too many ways to miss. Come in high you
chop one way and light you chop the other way. Left the 2-4-5-8 and
picked up the 2-4-5, left the 8. I just don't like shooting multiple
pin spares of any kind.
Besides a 7 pin, I would say either a bucket (always seem the leave the 5 pin), 1-3-4-6-7 (washout), or a 6-8 split. I seem to leave this washout once a week and hardly ever pick it up (all or none theory) and the 6-8 haunts me on occasion. Miss a board high and instead of either leaving a 6 or an 8, both stand, bad break, try to make it which I rarely do and sit down.
If I could only pick up a 7 pin.....
lets see....the past couple weeks at bowling
5 pin
6 10 pins
or just the 10 pin.......
used to be able to pick up the 10 pin all the time, now, well lets jus say I need to go back to my coach and have him yell at me for 45 minutes or so on my release. Then I'll be good for bout 200 games.
i NEED to stop making bets
!!!.....but then....mayb jus one more cant hurt
for the righthander( like me ) the 3-6-9-10 is the toughest spare you'll ever have to make---no doubt about it.
I left the 1-2-4-7-10 or 1-2-4-10 at least once in all three games in last week's position round, picked up once in game three tenth frame.
Too much split not enough banana.