All of the lefties that made the cut the last three weeks should thank me.
I started a topic after Council Bluff when the lefties had nothing. The next week in KC, they had a pretty good look and at Hawthorn and this week, they had a real good look.
Believe me, they can tweek those patterns to favor either side. I've bowl in Regionals where the lefties killed them and the next day in match play, on the "same shot" the lefties couldn't play dead. Scroggs went from +400 in 8 games to +20 for 5 games. Same shot? NO WAY!
It will even out and if I was a lefty on tour, I wouldn't look for much this week.
Ricky Ward bowled good early, Jeff Smith, Scroggs, and Jason make the show. Where was Parker? It seems like every time Parker makes a show, he's playing the same shot and his break point is exactly the same. Was the shot too deep for him? This guys has to be able to play 10 doesn't he?