And some of you guys make zero sense, you've got a completely childish mentality. So you're saying that all the very best bowlers in the world, all of which have a problem with sudden crowd noise and/or movement, ALL OF THEM, are mentally weak or are unable to handle the pressure? It's like a kid thinking their parents are stupid for saying no to something. The kid thinks, "well I can't see the danger, so there must not be any, my parents are just idiots." This is the same thing, if the pros have that much trouble with it, wouldn't you think there's something going on there that you just don't understand? To look at it with your league bowler, I always get the 12th ball to fall, I don't feel pressure mentality and apply that to people in completely different situations with completely different things at stake and on the line and say they're just soft or overly sensitive to something is so insanely ignorant that it's immeasurable. You're basically saying that Walter Ray, Pete Weber, Parker, Chris Barnes, Mika, Rash, Belmonte, and every other pro who has ever competed is mentally weak and too sensitive in favor of your own ignorant theory. Wow. I've never thrown a shot worth anything close to what they do on a regular basis, and I don't feel pressure at league either, but if they all have an issue with it, I'm gonna take their word for it and try to understand what makes it such a big deal instead of automatically assuming the best bowlers in the world all have severe focus and performance issues . . wow.