I agree with some of backswing. If you are standing that deep, you have to be sending the ball right, unless you are drifting well to the right, walking towards your target.
Walking towards your target is not what is taught as often now, unless you are going up the boards. Make sure you are ending up, where you are starting, you gotta walk straight. I made this change myself only a few years ago, I was walking towards my target and consistently ended up 7-8 boards right of where I started, when playing deep on the lane. Now I end up even or 2-4 boards left of where I started. My shoulders have to be open, or the ball is going dead left.
Yes, open your right foot, getting your hips open in your stance, this is a nice idea, but only works well if you walk straight.
An exercise you can try during practice, get your left hand out there in front of you in your back swing. Palm of your left hand facing away from you, open wide. This will help you to open your shoulders, which helps to project the ball to the right.