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Author Topic: Projecting the ball right  (Read 6427 times)

Sean John 369

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Projecting the ball right
« on: April 24, 2009, 08:49:29 AM »
Does anyone have any tips on projecting the ball to the right? Lately it has been difficult for my to do so. I have been going up the boards(as i am a straighter player)  I have a decent amount of revs. Nothing extravaganT. On THS i stand around 25 to 30.  I just need the ball to get more of a right to left motion. It's a timing issue im sure.  Any suggestions would help and would be greatly apprciated.




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Re: Projecting the ball right
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2009, 05:14:20 PM »
I sort of have the same problem.  I seem to have a natural launch angle that's pretty small, I never throw the ball up the boards on accident, but I also have a hard time getting the ball to the right sometimes.  I can't figure out whether it's a problem with my body alignment or I'm just tugging it.


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Re: Projecting the ball right
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2009, 05:15:33 PM »
Your right foot should be open more to the right cuz this will open your hips a little more and get everything else open so you can get the ball right.
Kiall Hill
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Re: Projecting the ball right
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2009, 05:29:05 PM »
When in having projecting problems, I pretend my fingers aren't in the ball, like I'm setting a basketball down and pushing it at my target in a straight line. Not even like I'm rolling it, but literally pushing it and it'll roll on its own.
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Re: Projecting the ball right
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2009, 05:37:06 PM »
overexaggerate to start.. move way left and walk toward your target and throw that direction.. then move to right some after it goes in the gutter..

Do this in practice.. I do a version of this in league when I just can't seem to get the ball right.. I move 2 or 3 boards farther left than I should just to force me to get the ball right..
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Re: Projecting the ball right
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2009, 09:07:07 PM »
You say you're going up the boards now but you're standing on 25-30?  How far away from your body are you reaching or how many boards do you drift right?

I would get those squared away first before you start altering timing to get better projection.  Standing on 25-30 you should HAVE to project the ball right to get on the right side of the headpin.

Something to consider though...when sending the ball right less is more.  Don't try to make the ball hook.  Try to soften up the release and roll the ball even more so than your normal delivery.  If you make it hook you will be engaging the muscles in your arm, when you do that your swing is no longer fluid, when your swing tightens up you can't project to the right with any consistency.

Just relax and roll it to the right.

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Re: Projecting the ball right
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2009, 09:49:00 PM »
a lot of the time straighter bowlers have slower  hands and cannot get their hand around the ball quick enough. lowering the ball in your stance slows the swing down and gives the hand more time to circle and project the ball right. also try trusting your release and let the ball go a hair sooner. maybe your timing is fine and your not trusting yourself. also remember that speed and rev rate need to match. no matter what your rev rate is if you slow the ball down enough it will hook. squaring your shoulders to your target is a must for consistency. good luck!
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Mike Austin

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Re: Projecting the ball right
« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2009, 11:46:52 PM »
I agree with some of backswing.  If you are standing that deep, you have to be sending the ball right, unless you are drifting well to the right, walking towards your target.

Walking towards your target is not what is taught as often now, unless you are going up the boards.  Make sure you are ending up, where you are starting, you gotta walk straight.  I made this change myself only a few years ago, I was walking towards my target and consistently ended up 7-8 boards right of where I started, when playing deep on the lane.  Now I end up even or 2-4 boards left of where I started.  My shoulders have to be open, or the ball is going dead left.

Yes, open your right foot, getting your hips open in your stance, this is a nice idea, but only works well if you walk straight.

An exercise you can try during practice, get your left hand out there in front of you in your back swing.  Palm of your left hand facing away from you, open wide.  This will help you to open your shoulders, which helps to project the ball to the right.

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Re: Projecting the ball right
« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2009, 01:14:53 AM »
Walking towards your target is not what is taught as often now, unless you are going up the boards.  Make sure you are ending up, where you are starting, you gotta walk straight.  I made this change myself only a few years ago, I was walking towards my target and consistently ended up 7-8 boards right of where I started, when playing deep on the lane.  Now I end up even or 2-4 boards left of where I started.  My shoulders have to be open, or the ball is going dead left.

I've been trying to walk towards my target for the majority of this season, but I seem rather inconsistent at it and I still miss inside my target line a good amount of the time(that might be a timing issue too).  A lot of the time it didn't feel like I was walking toward my target, but I always ended up right of where I started(I'm right handed).

Anyways, I'd like to try what you do but I can't quite figure out how to do it.  Do you open your shoulders in the stance and keep them that way or focus on doing it as you get into the slide?  I'm thinking it's the former and there's a couple problems that occur when I've tried it this way.  First, it feels really weird walking straight when the upper body is angled.  Naturally, my body will probably want to walk in the direction my shoulders are square to.  Secondly, angling the upper body like this seems to change the swing plane but I could be wrong.  My worry in this regard is being more likely to hit the ankle.

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Re: Projecting the ball right
« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2009, 01:44:10 AM »
This may sound crazy, but next time you practice stand left and throw a dozen or so balls in the right ditch, then move your target slowly back right. You will be suprised how much that can help. Good luck.


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Re: Projecting the ball right
« Reply #10 on: April 26, 2009, 09:17:21 AM »
ive alway been told to open up your shoulders if you want to swing or project the ball right or left..


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Re: Projecting the ball right
« Reply #11 on: April 26, 2009, 09:18:57 AM »
this also could be a timing issue also....


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Re: Projecting the ball right
« Reply #12 on: April 26, 2009, 09:40:36 AM »
The easiest way to swing the ball and not changing A LOT, is to merely keep the ball in line with the lane and opening up your hips and shoulders. The alignment of your shoulders is what generally dictates the direction of the ball off your hand. This is basics. Unless you are going to overhaul your whole game, just make minor adjustments. Similar to shaping a golf ball. Another tip is slightly dropping your shoulder which helps create a more inside swing path.
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Mike Austin

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Re: Projecting the ball right
« Reply #13 on: April 26, 2009, 11:57:32 AM »
The easiest way to swing the ball and not changing A LOT, is to merely keep the ball in line with the lane and opening up your hips and shoulders. The alignment of your shoulders is what generally dictates the direction of the ball off your hand. This is basics. Unless you are going to overhaul your whole game, just make minor adjustments. Similar to shaping a golf ball. Another tip is slightly dropping your shoulder which helps create a more inside swing path.
Formerly BrunsRico

I agree with Ric, big changes are probably not necessary.  I was working with Carol Norman, the ONLY thing we changed was my 2nd step (of 5).  I cross over with my 2nd step, goes left in front of my left foot.  I made a concerted effort to walk "straight" or end up a board or two left of where I started.  I had never even considered where I ended up before this time.  My 5th step was almost directly 7 boards right every time.  When the lanes were slick, which is when I killed them, this was not a problem.  When the PBA patterns came out, I had ridiculous angles from where I was standing and looking.  I learned a 3 step approach because I was in front of the ball return so much.  Pete McCordic pointed this out to me after a particularly bad regional.

Open shoulders and ball down early/smooth, will help get your shoulders/hips/body facing in the right direction.  It really is pretty basic and shouldn't be a "timing" issue.  Didn't change my timing any, but my balance improved.

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Re: Projecting the ball right
« Reply #14 on: April 26, 2009, 10:21:59 PM »
Okay I'm going to try it that way.  Just one more question, should your pushaway remain the same(more towards target) or should it still go in the direction your feet are facing(more towards the pins)?  I'm thinking it's the former but just want to be sure.