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Author Topic: Bowling GODS  (Read 3273 times)


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Bowling GODS
« on: May 06, 2009, 10:49:48 PM »
Has anyone noticed that some nights you get all the breaks and others you could not buy one? There must be some rational explaination other than "The Bowling GODS looking down on me". Any care to offer there thoughts?
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Re: Bowling GODS
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2009, 07:00:47 AM »
yes i had a night in league 7-10, 7-9, 6-8, 8-10, solid 8 solid 9 solid 7-9
first game then over hook squirt 2nd/3rd game, i shot 375 LOL
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Re: Bowling GODS
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2009, 07:02:04 AM »
Break?  What's that?
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Re: Bowling GODS
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2009, 07:12:02 AM »
It IS the Bowling Gods, and they're fickle and cruel sons of bitches.


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Re: Bowling GODS
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2009, 07:32:50 AM »
bowling gods grant my dad solid 8s
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Re: Bowling GODS
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2009, 07:46:23 AM »
get a OUIJA board ...
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Re: Bowling GODS
« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2009, 08:00:08 AM »
My issue is I dont believe in luck either bad or good. Last night I shot 614... with an opening 169... strike nearly every shot in practice 1st ball ring a 10... then my ball gets stuck in the back...I decide to throw a different ball and wifff it. Then in the middle I double and stone an 8. Then 2 splits when I hit what I wanted (???) so now I change angles ring a 10 and in the ninth I stike. 1st ball in the 10th I stone a another 8.

Next game I start with the front 5 and leave a light 4 pin, ringing 10 and double. goin into the 10 I can 268... but leave a fast 8 and miss the thing for 231.

Last game started witrh yet another 8 pin, bird dog 10 that missed, strike and then 9 pin. I tripple and in the 9th out of the blue 4 - 6 on what I thought was a shot that had a chance. I strike out in the 10th for 215.

This night could have been 700 easy. Not only did I get ripped alot but I paid every penalty for the pattern breaking down. The "Bowling Gods" really did not like me last night. I am glad this league is now over... finished at 219.58.
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Re: Bowling GODS
« Reply #7 on: May 07, 2009, 09:46:51 AM »
My 2 cents:
1. The ball and the pins know when you've delivered the ball in a relaxed manner. (Remember the last time the game was out of the wood and your last 3 strikes came so easily?)

2. When the ball, ball speed or line played is not quite right, the pins tell you: unless you're leaving dead stoned 8 pin (or 9 pins for lefties), any leaves have a reason. After the above (wrong ball, wrong ball speed, wrong line), there are these reasons:
- missed your target by too much
- too much or too little ball speed, as it varies from you had been throwing the past few frames
- too much hitting up on the ball or just too much "hand" or revs, as it varies from what you had been doing.

The right ball and the right line can make up for some degree of variance in target or ball speed or rev rate, but too much variance and the pins that remain standing tell you you're doing one or more of these things too differently than you had been or should be doing.
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Re: Bowling GODS
« Reply #8 on: May 07, 2009, 11:07:50 AM »
Without the necessary sacrifices to Clyde and Humbaba (and a nod to the Frying Pink Cow), one will never have the continuity of goodwill from the bowling gods.