Hey everybody, I come seeking advice on proper thumb fit. I've been fidgeting with a grip for a while now. I have a super flexible thumb, and it's been a bit of a challenge to get a grip that feels 'perfect.'
Currently, I'm working on thumb shape. I've been using a mold that's got some room to add/remove tape as needed. I use a tiered taping style because my thumb tapers quite a bit. I'm testing two new shapes. Both are rounder, and both are snugger than the mold - one is really snug, and the other is somewhere in the middle. Also, both of these new shapes have less bevel. Both of these thumbs make the ball feel lighter, and actually help me 'throw it over the towel.' Last night, after rolling a set with the in-the-middle thumb, I rolled some practice with a molded-thumb and was dropping the crap out of it. There was no throwing it over the towel unless I grabbed it.
This prompted the question - what does a proper thumb fit feel like? What do you guys look for in a thumb fit? I understand this is a subjective topic, and I am indeed working closely with my PSO - I'm just looking for different perspectives on a this rather fascinating topics.