In general the less a thumb is pitched under your palm the quicker the release will be.
In other words say 1†forward is the maximum amount of under pitch. A ¾†forward will release quicker.
Side pitches are based on the hand construction and release.
Each person is unique, their hand shape, size, strength, flexibility, skin texture, and hundreds of other factors determine which pitch is right for you.
The first key is finding the correct span, many use to have too long of spans, but the trend is toward shorter spans. Shorter spans allow for a relaxed grip, which also allows for less reverse pitches needed.
I personally have a small hand particularly for my size, my span is 4 5/16 and 4 3/8. I personally have used a grip with 1 /4†reverse and ½†right. As I have gotten older, weaker, and wiser I have reduced mine to ½†reverse with ¼†right. This would still be considered a lot of reverse by many but it works for me currently.
I wouldn’t be surprised to find out the grip with less reverse was also shorter.