General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: cudaskater123 on August 16, 2008, 04:54:43 PM
I saw this over at BBE, and thought we could do it here too. Have you guys seen any pros in your local bowling alleys? I haven't seen him, but I know Norm Duke has been at my local house, and i thought i saw Ryan Shafer, but im not totally sure if it was him, lol.
What pros have been in your bowling alley?
Ricky Michaels
Also known as Mister High Speed Himself,
Wayne Webb and Dave Wodka were both at mine for a pro-am.
CHRIS FARLEY:1964-1997
JOHN CANDY:1950-1994
JOHN BELUSHI:1949-1982
JIM MORRISON:1943-1971
"NO RESPECT, I GET NO RESPECT."-the great Rodney Dangerfield
I have seen a few here because the Ladies and Legends tourney has been at my home house the last couple years. I never talked to any though because I didn't want to be bothersome. However, Kevin Croucher gave me a free lesson when he saw me practicing earlier this year. I got it on tape too so that's pretty cool.
The only other pro I've ever met was PDW. He came to hang with us youth bowlers back in the late 80's. He bowled with everyone and signed autographs. I still have mine and the one I stole from my sister
It's a bowling moment I'll never forget.
"You cannot change the stripes of a leopard."
~Emmitt Smith
This isn't a fair question. I just got home from the NW Regional Dave Husted Invitational pro am.
Lemme see - of "names" - Craig Tuholski (exempt this year from tour trials), Chet Rogers (exempt this year - NW points winner), Chris Warren, Mitch Beasley, and of course, Dave Husted...
And all those other regional players.
Not to mention the great Ernie Schlegel.

We Know What Bowlers Want
Home of the HAMBONE shirt!
Robert Smith
Also a couple of regional bowlers(one of them is ShermDawg here on BR)
My Arsenal:
Twisted Fury
Raw Hammer Pain
Blue Vibe
I don't know of who else, but this is an older pro, made 1-2 TV appearances.. Joe Hutchinson.
Home of the Secret Sauce!
I guess im lucky iv personly talked to Mike Edwards and Brian Himmler they cam in to say hi because the center my parents own, our manager named jeff grew up with brian and Riga-( Riga actually used to bowl the usbc open with jeff's brother Ron ) and iv bowled in a local tournament and have crossed with Ken Abner who is exempt this year along with Steve Fehr and his son Jeff.
Glenmore Bowl employee
About 350 RMPs ( Guestimate )
High Track- (* Dont Know My PAP *)
17 MPH ( Guestimate )
Parker Bohn III and Johnny Petraglia bowl at one of my local centers. Both lefties. Both destroy the THS there. Both not fair at all.
Obviously, you aren't a golfer.
Check out this blog (http://"")
we don't get many pro bowlers in our centers in central new york.the only two I have seen or talked to was Marty Piraino and Michelle Feldman.I do wish we had more that came around this region.
I don't really have a home house right now, but at the centers I frequent I have seen:
Parker Bohn III
Johnny Petraglia
Maryann DiRupo
Teata Semiz
Jeff Morin (from the 1980s, no longer on tour)
Ken Carson (our own Krumpy300 anyone who averages 242 is a pro
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
Unofficial FAQ (http://"")
we don't get many pro bowlers in our centers in central new york.the only two I have seen or talked to was Marty Piraino and Michelle Feldman.I do wish we had more that came around this region.
Isn't Doug Kent in that area? Is Newark, NY far from you?
I know Tom Baker, Fran Bax, & Liz Johnson often bowl in that area.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
Unofficial FAQ (http://"")
mike wolfe
2008 State Champs, Trinity Forever
mike wolfe
2008 State Champs, Trinity Forever
You know what's funny? I've been bowling in the Louisville area my entire life and I've never once bowled in the same league as Mike Wolfe. I've bowled against him in several tournaments, but never once has he actually bowled in the same league as me as a regular or a sub or anything. Kinda surprising.
When my home center used to host the flower city tournament a few years ago we had Rudy Revs, Brad Angelo, Tom Baker, Mike Machuga, Mike Neumann, Mike Tryniski, and a few others show up
" - only the best Survive"
Bowled on the PBAx with Steve Harman this summer, Mark Sullivan was there too he toured in the 80's
"Don"t leave it if you can't pick it up"
Me Ritchie Allen and Kenny Simard practice together all the time at our house.
Move left, hook it more.....
Tommy Jones and Kenny Simard are Gamecock fans...are you???
We shall now refer a 4-bagger as a hambone...Mark it down the revolution has started!
Richard Wolfe runs a pro shop in my area.
My local alley is a dump, no pro would want anything to do with it.
Dave Ferraro owns 1 of the places I go.
mike wolfe
2008 State Champs, Trinity Forever
You know what's funny? I've been bowling in the Louisville area my entire life and I've never once bowled in the same league as Mike Wolfe. I've bowled against him in several tournaments, but never once has he actually bowled in the same league as me as a regular or a sub or anything. Kinda surprising.
well if u kno where rose bowl is on goldsmith lane, he is usually up there on wednesday nights during the offseason to bowl in a matchplay tournament. besides that he just randomly drops in on my home house, ten pin, to practice a lil
2008 State Champs, Trinity Forever
We regularly see Steve Cook, Leanne Barrett and Wayne Webb at our local bowling functions and leagues. Larry Laub and Betty Morris are in and out. We also have several regional guys. Also we had Walter Ray Williams stop off at one of our centers on his way from Reno one weekend night. It was very late at night when he stopped and he was put on the end pair and shot 279.
mike wolfe
2008 State Champs, Trinity Forever
You know what's funny? I've been bowling in the Louisville area my entire life and I've never once bowled in the same league as Mike Wolfe. I've bowled against him in several tournaments, but never once has he actually bowled in the same league as me as a regular or a sub or anything. Kinda surprising.
well if u kno where rose bowl is on goldsmith lane, he is usually up there on wednesday nights during the offseason to bowl in a matchplay tournament. besides that he just randomly drops in on my home house, ten pin, to practice a lil
2008 State Champs, Trinity Forever
Yeah, I almost never bowl in that house. I've been there twice since they put in synthetic lanes, both times for the city tournament. I'm usually at Kingpin, Executive, or Fern Valley.
I'm in lower central NY. I've seen Ryan Shafer bowl in some charity type tournaments. Also PB III and Petraglia have been booked for some end-of-season spring bowling parties.
Linger Longerâ„¢
I've seen pretty much all of the exempt players, since our center (Hawthorn) hosts a tour event.

Also, I saw Norm Duke and Brian Voss picking up some bowling balls at our center the night before the first day of taping for the PBA team event (I don't remember what they call it) that was held at Six Flags Great America in Gurnee, IL.
I saw Johnny Petraglia once or twice a few years ago, because he is friends with the then owner of the center.
Dick Baker (senior player) comes in to practice now and then, when he's in town.
Edited on 8/18/2008 9:11 AM
When Rhino Page was at KU, he'd come up to our center and bowl in a few tournaments with Jeff Ussery. Other than that, nope.
We do have a CIA/FBI/5 Star General that bowls league here though...........................(inside joke)
Nothing Hit's Like A Hammer
Parker Bohn did an exhibition like 9 years ago at my center, and the last 2 years my center has run a bowl like the pros seminar during national bowling week.
I bowl in the house Jason Couch's father Cliff owns where they had the Roll to Riches
Ebonite born---Ebonite bred-----if they sell out I'll be Ebonite dead
Parker Bohn III and Johnny Petraglia bowl at one of my local centers. Both lefties. Both destroy the THS there. Both not fair at all.
Obviously, you aren't a golfer.
Check out this blog (http://"")
I know where you bowl! well I know where johnny bowls for 1 league but never seen parker there.
Visionary Test Staff 08/09
all visionary this year
ogre ss
glad. pearl
Parker Bohn III and Johnny Petraglia bowl at one of my local centers. Both lefties. Both destroy the THS there. Both not fair at all.
Obviously, you aren't a golfer.
Check out this blog (http://"")
I know where you bowl! well I know where johnny bowls for 1 league but never seen parker there.
Visionary Test Staff 08/09
all visionary this year
ogre ss
glad. pearl
Not sure if Steve is talking about Howell Lanes or Airport Plaza, but Howell is Parker's home house.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
Unofficial FAQ (http://"")
Barry Asher and Mark Baker
Inverted 1 and Dead Flush are my Evil Twins...
Pete Weber, Mike Mineman
Same as I posted over on BBE......
I see Gary Dickenson & Anne Marie Dugan whenever I go to the house in Edmond. This house was once the home house to many pros including but not limited to....Norm Duke...Tony Westlake...Carol Norman...Tiffany Stanbrough...LeAnne Barrett...David Ozio....etc. This once was my main house to bowl in for 25 years or so, but I don't go there very often anymore as I do most of my bowling now days in another house with better lanes, equipment, etc.
"Whenever I feel the urge to exercise I lie down until the feeling passes away."
Do Jason Kidd and Vince Carter count?

When they both were on the New Jersey Nets, they joined a summer league because they loved to bowl. Well, the NBA season obviously didn't allow them to make all their league nights, so the league voted them out!!! Funny stuff.
By the way, Joumana Kidd........slammin!!!!
If I ever saw an amputee being hanged, I'd just yell out letters. --DM