House blended oil patterns.
Normally a premium price ball hooks more than a mid-price ball.
House blended oil patterns allow bowlers to use a wide variety of balls AND ball reactions to score well, with some (but definitely not all) of this depending on the bowler's delivery/release.
Many premium price balls can burn off just enough energy in the midlane to hook much less yet still retain enough power to hit well.BUT this is or can be a tricky balancing act if/when we try to do it deliberately. Meanwhile the ball we should be using, the medium-price one, is doing just what it should, clearing the heads and hooking as it should, and hit the pocket as designed.
This is why we should always test our balls on multiple oil patterns in multiple houses before we decide one ball always hooks xx boards more and has yy boards more backend than the other ball. In fact, one of the best place to do such "measuring" is on sport patterns. In any case, balls should be tested on dry, medium and heavy oil patterns to learn what they do and how they go about it.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."