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Author Topic: have a general question about ball layouts  (Read 413 times)


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have a general question about ball layouts
« on: February 26, 2007, 12:20:29 PM »
as of late i have realized that for me placing the pin under or over the bridge gives me the kind of reaction that i really like. I like the skid/flip that this layout gives . it gives me greater area to play on the shots that i can use these balls on.My question is do you drill balls based off the reaction you get from other balls or do you drill balls based on the desired action you want from a particular ball.
   For example,I have a passion with the pin over bridge cg and mb stacked at 70 degrees .its polished and i use it for med light oil and its pretty skid flippy off the dry and i love it .If i were building an arsenal and using this as my benchmark needing something for med and heavy conditions,would i want to get stronger balls and drill the same way or would i get the same type ball and drill it stronger .Say for instance a wmb or an epic battle.Would this type drill give me the same flip on the back,but be useable on longer and heavier oil,or do you need to drill theses balls to roll early which never works for me.
my style, the art of bowling without bowling