What benefit is anything possibly being proposed by USBC going to do for your typical league bowlers? How does it increase membership? How likely is it to bring down honor scores or perfect series?
It won't stop the in flux of new equipment. It won't lower the cost of equipment. It won't slow down the manufactures from working around the guidelines to continue and give consumers what they have seen in recent years. According to USBC the last coverstock advancement was in 2005, (technically 1997) and the last core advancement was in 2001. So the USBC is over a decade behind the manufactures.
Based on the report, it will allow proprietors to put out less oil thus saving them money. Imagine that.... a USBC rule change that benefits BPAA. Who woulda thunk it.
Houses can do that already and eliminate the ability for bowlers to use high end equipment. The center I bowl in has done that to try and save money. There's even "short patterns" that eliminate the middle of the lane and force bowlers to ball down. Everyone always assumes you need more volume to combat the new bowling equipment when it's easier to do with far less.
So every center has the ability to dry up the condition why would we need equipment regulations to then allow the centers to do it?
Sure houses can do that, and they do. But it doesn't stop the bowlers from throwing charcoal on the lane and thus destroying the lane bed.
I bowl in such a house. I am a bit of a cranker but not overly so. I am forced to use an OG Purple Rhino Pro due to that lack of oil. Only the extremely speed dominant bowler succeeds in this house.
Every center around me has a more conducive shot for a wide variety of bowling styles to succeed. I would never want the shot to be catered directly to me, but this house is ridiculous.
And by lowering the strength of the covers (in the report) and the core (in the report) bowling balls will naturally become weaker. This will force centers to cater to their bowlers and put out less oil than currently applied. Yeah, cheaper oiling costs. And if they don't change their patterns, then they will longer life from their lane beds. Another win for the proprietor.
The scores will not change. The league bowler will dictate the pattern with either complaints or their wallet. The house with the highest scores will still get the business.