I agree with you on this one. I have a straighter game (although I am just beginning on working towards a second style that will allow me to get inside when needed). My biggest problem is the 10 pin. I see the crankers throwing 170/300/180. When the hit the pocket, the pin action gets things done. But when they are off, or miss the transition, the train wrecks are disastrous. Crazy splits everywhere! I was off last night, but I was still consistent (197/194/198). I felt like I bowled 6 games last night because I was throwing 2 balls most frames. Last game was first nine frames spares, and 3 strikes in the tenth. No ugly splits. I think the straigter game is more consistent, but the crankers have a better shot of obtaining an honor score. All comes down to what you are physically capable of (some of us just cannot rev it up), and what your goals are (clean, consistent performances, or one big one now and then).
Jon (in Ohio)
F.O.S. Proud Saw user...see profile.