General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: HamPster on June 03, 2003, 01:40:36 AM
Whew, here we go. I taped the show, and am now going back and analyzing the games, and my categories will show:
Board at the Release
Board at the Arrows
Boad at the Breakpoint
Pin Count Results
I'll be doing these in 4 parts, each part being a game, as they take forever to go through and look at. Vcr has a slow function, which helps, but the only super accurate stat I'll post is board at the arrows, because it's pretty hard to see release and breakpoint boards, BUT, while the board might not be correct, the distance between the boards will be fairly close, as there are a few darker marks on the lane for me to go from. If anyone else has taped it that is perhaps more experienced with board by board counting (as I'm more of a feel player), feel free to do your own analysis and correct mine.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
R 30 28 30 28 31 28 31 26 30 27 28 N/A
A 23 19 21 20 22 19 21 19 21 20 19 N/A
B 12 10 11 10 14 9 12 13 11 10 9 N/A
Re: NJ X X X 6-9 X 4 4 X X 10 -
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
R 18 ? 23 22 24 23 23 21 23 24 N/A 23
A 13 18 17 16 17 19 16 17 17 18 N/A 17
B 5 12 10 12 15 15 11 13 11 16 N/A 12
Re: WO X X X 9-10 X4 7 X X 6-10 N/A 10
R=Release board
A=Arrows board
B=Breakpoint board
NJ=Nose Job
X4-High strike, trip 4
Numbers=Specific pins left
I'll get to sudden death in a moment. With Kelly, you can see a pattern, the left lane was hooking more, so her release was further left. They both made horrid shots in the first frame, Leanne's moreso than Kelly's, but Kelly was using a polished V2 Particle on the first shot, then switched the Jungle Green Predator. Leanne was using the Apex Addiction. Leanne was more erratic at the breakpoint, but the arc of the Addiction helped her get to the pocket, as she seemed to be playing the same line on both lanes, although she was fairly consistent at the release and arrows. Kelly is consistent lane-wise, as far as her slightly differing approach to each lane. Again, like I said, my records as far as boards at release and breakpoint are not super accurate, so they may vary a few boards each. The difference between shots seemed mostly to be speed issues, which I can't measure, so although they seemed to be accurate as far as boards go, the lack of speed or abundance of it caused backend reaction to be ultimately the deciding factor, as they looked to be partially strong. Kelly's missed 10 caused sudden death, and although it looked good at 30 feet, the ball found the channel about 5 feet in front of the 10. I believe it was Jan that made the comment about the shot looking good, but Kelly just overthrowing it, and she was very correct. Kelly's reaction I thought was rather funny. It was a pressure situation that she blew, essentially, and instead of being upset, she knew she still was in it because of the tie, and I think was trying to keep herself calm more than play to the crowd with her humorous sarcasm. Great ice-breaker.
Sudden Death
9 10 11 12
R 31 27 N/A 28
A 21 19 N/A 20
B 12 9 N/A 11
Re: X 2-8 N/A 4
9 10 11 12
R 22 23 N/A 24
A 17 19 N/A 18
B 12 14 N/A 11
Re:4-7 3-6-9-10 N/A 10
Now I cross my fingers and hope that posting this doesn't screw everything up. Anyway, Leanne had some speed and rev issues in the sudden death. She hit the first two too hard, and the last ball not enough. Kelly threw a great shot for the first one, and I believe she let up on the speed just a tad the second one. If anyone sees something I haven't, or sees something that is wrong, PLEASE correct me so I don't spend 3 more hours doing the next three matches wrong. Whew, that took a while. Maybe I'll do the next three in a few days. Bottom line is that Kelly looked far more controlled with her movements, even though Leanne supplied the best competition that Kelly saw in the finals. Comments, questions, suggestions?
I know Kung Fu!
I am the one, the one that will bring balance. All the pins shall be destroyed!
P.S. Posting it erased all of my spacing, which makes it harder to read, but you can still follow it, right?
Edited on 6/3/2003 4:45 PM
Edited on 6/3/2003 4:47 PM
Lol, day off, I bowl tonight! First day off in a week, this is how I relax!
I know Kung Fu!
I am the one, the one that will bring balance. All the pins shall be destroyed!
you forgot time analysis and breakpoint distance. slacker

There can be only One!
Ahh, breakpoint distance would be good, but I have no idea what you mean by time analysis!
I know Kung Fu!
I am the one, the one that will bring balance. All the pins shall be destroyed!
Hamster, you forgot to post the running commentary that Kelly was making to herself on each shot.
"Just you and the pins, kiddo, keep that shoulder up." Repeat 52 times.
I know Kung Fu!
I am the one, the one that will bring balance. All the pins shall be destroyed!
Well spent day off! I was interested actually to know exactly where everyone was throwing and such. Thanks for actually taking the time to sit down and do it! I either bowl or mess around on here to relax, but what ever floats your boat I guess.
Wow, HR ...... and I thought I had a lot of time on my hands!!!
But I am retired (like 'Bones) and have no kids nor grandkids within 1000 miles so nobody to bother me. You must not have a wife or a steady girlfriend or whatever to be able to spend hours with your VCR analyzing these games. You should get TIVO as it would be much easier to analyze in digital form rather than running a tape back and forth!! Anyhow, great job and I agree with your comments.
What's with the Braille on a drive-up-ATM?
Never under any circumstances take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.
Time analysis =
ball speed at the arrow and final ball speed. in case you had nothing to do.
There can be only One!
Lol, I WISH I had a lot of time. I do have a decent amount, but as I had a day off (bowled at 7), and it being my first true day off where I had nothing to do and nowhere to go, I decided to spend it doing something I really wanted to do. I was interested in seeing just how accurate the pros are, and with either michelle or mumzie's comment about the women being more accurate, I sat down and looked at it. I have to say I was surprised once I got down to the straight facts, they seem to be more board accurate than speed and rotation accurate, but they're great to begin with. I was practicing after league with the Bahrs (Ron and Kristi) and Rick Benoit, and made the comment that I'd rather bowl like Kelly, forget the guys. Keeping her elbow that straight and her wrist cocked through that high of a backswing makes my arm hurt just thinking about it though, I'm still screwed up.
I know Kung Fu!
I am the one, the one that will bring balance. All the pins shall be destroyed!
I saw it like this:
Kelly Kulick:
"Just you and the pins"
"Keep your shoulder up"
"Yeah Baby!!"
"Chopping Wood For over Two Decades"