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Author Topic: Quantum Double Helix  (Read 3820 times)


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Quantum Double Helix
« on: June 23, 2004, 01:24:31 AM »
A month ago I finished my first season (and first year really) of bowling.  I used a black Columbia Scout for the second half of the season and finished with a 153 avg.  

Since summer doubles started I've been bowling 171.

The president of the league has been helping me out with tips and such.  Last week he sold me his old Quantum Double Helix for $20.  I had it drilled with finger and side weight maxed - as per his advice.

It's pretty banged up but he suggested it would give me an idea of a stronger hooking ball and something to practice on.

I picked it up yesterday and threw 2 games with it - 166, 159 - just to get an idea of what I was in for.  I had a tought time with pins on the right side and was a little unsure what I was doing but overall the ball felt good and I liked the hook.

The guy at the prom shop recommnded a Depth Charge if I feel confident by the end of the summer.

Just wanted to get some opinions on hooking bvallsfrom the people here as some of the tips and advice I 've recieved have really helped.



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Re: Quantum Double Helix
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2004, 05:05:24 PM »
Check out Brunswick Power Groove,Dynothane Vendetta or Ebonite's Prime Time line of balls.These are all mid to low price range balls with proven cover stocks.A general rule of thumb for these covers is Pearl-skid snap,Reactive-arc and particle-early roll hook.All three lines have at least one ball in each catagory.The cores are basic and time proven.At this point in your game exotic drills,covers and cores won't help your game enough to justify the expense.

The Double Helix is a Urethane ball with a reactive center stripe.The idea was the control of Urethane with the hit of reactive when it flipped to the reactive stripe.If your like 90% of the bowlers out there the ball will roll mostly in the urethane area and VERY little of the reactive area comes into play.I don't think you have truly thrown a reactive ball yet.

If I were to recommend one ball to give you the added hook of reactive plus control it would be the Power Groove Pearl.The cover is PowerKoil 17.This is a durable controllable cover.The weight pucks in the core will allow your driller a little more creativity in drill selection.
President and CEO Visionite Stormy Buzzwick LTD


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Re: Quantum Double Helix
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2004, 05:36:16 PM »
Thanks for the explanations!

Would it be helpful to continue practicing with the Double Helix for a few months (to get used to the hook and until I have money for a new ball for next season, while still using the Columbia for summer league)?

Or, will getting a new ball in August be enough time to get familair with a ball such as the Power Groove before the Sept. season starts?


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Re: Quantum Double Helix
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2004, 11:49:10 PM »
A reactive ball will be a change in your game not only on first ball but with spare shooting.I use a Power Groove for tournament and Sport Shot conditions.I paid $90 for my last one $60 shipped on EBay and $30 for drill.If you can swing I would buy it ASAP and use your summer league to get familiar with it.

Urethane is an excellent control ball and will help you fine tune your game skills.There is nothing wrong with continuing to use the Helix or Scout even after your new purchase if lane conditions dictate.
President and CEO Visionite Stormy Buzzwick LTD


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Re: Quantum Double Helix
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2004, 12:35:41 AM »
I bought a Helix shortly after I started bowling two years ago. True, it wasn't the strongest ball on the lanes, but that colored stripe sure did let me know when I threw the ball well and when I had a wasted effort. If you use the ball for practice and watch it as it rolls down the lane and that stripe makes its flip as it moves into the pocket, you'll soon know what a quality shot feels like as it comes off your hand. One of the best practice balls I could have had.



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Re: Quantum Double Helix
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2004, 05:55:31 PM »
Thanks for the correction Mill.It's been awhile since I dealt with a Helix.
President and CEO Visionite Stormy Buzzwick LTD