I hope this doesn't sound weird, but it seems like my original One has regained what it had lost.
Some time ago, I finally put my One to rest. It was a great ball while I used it, including achieving my highest series ever with it. I cleaned it faithfully, took care of the cover to the best of my ability, and cared for it regularly. It was the most predictably excellent piece in my rotation.
Then one day it just seemed to lose reaction. I couldn't have asked for much more, having bowled about 3-4 leagues per week for better than a season. It was nothing but 10-pin, 10-pin, 7-10.....the pins just didn't seem to fly around anymore. So I put it to rest after a final cleaning.
Then about 4 weeks ago after struggling mightily with carry in other leagues, I brought it out of the garage just to see, figuring how much worse could my carry be? 783 out of the gate. Ball pounded the pocket. Pins flew. The predictability was back. I know lane conditions change from week to week and season to season, etc. but I am sure that I am releasing the ball similarly, if not identically, to how I was when I put the One to bed.
So, is it possible for a ball to regain reaction in such a fashion? I don't know if the answer is technical, psychological.....so that's why I'm asking!
Thanks guys and hope to speak with you soon.
If I ever saw an amputee being hanged, I''d just yell out letters. --DM