Personally, unless you are a BIG tournament bowler (bowling 2-3 tournaments a month) where you may see heavier volumes, why even buy the higher end stuff? In most cases, balls like the Benchmark, Arson, Victory Roads, 500-700 series balls, are plenty for house shots. Most centers will not lay down 75 units in the heads (as they have done at Nationals) nor will they go 45 feet with the pattern to accomodate the higher end stuff. We have hit that point where where we are getting into to much hook for the volume of oil we are seeing from most centers.
I bowled a tournament 2 weeks ago and we bowled on the 50mL Kegel Middle of Road Pattern. I watch guys bringing in 6 balls, 4 of which are high end, one a step below and a spare ball. They barely shoot even and even under for the tournament and then the guys that finished on top, myself included, were throwing stuff that matched up way better on the pattern. 10 game marathon, I shot 741 for the first 3 and 730 for the last 3 and I used an Ebonite Tornado for about 8.5 out of those 10 games. The winner started with the B/S Taboo in the beginning and then stepped WAY DOWN to a Backlash for the last game or two. Meanwhile, we are watching everyone else around us struggle because they cant figure out why the Nexuses, Nanos, 900 series balls are hooking out the building.
Everything in this world is customer driven. If we continue to pay top dollar for stuff, the manufacturers will continue to drive prices up. Once that stops, then the manufacturers will have to adjust. It is like gas prices. Gas prices will continue to go up if we keep paying. Once we start carpooling and the demand goes down, then so do the prices.
Peace doesnt always have to be silent.