Joe Falco,
Please Joe, just stop.
Nothing you could ever say, or do, would/could remove all, or any, of the biases and opinions you will run into on this site. For you to continue down this destructive path, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER YOU HAVE A POINT OR NOT, only serves to punish you more for having had an opinion.
The manufacturers have served technology upon an unwitting, and willing, public. They have supplied the unpracticed and lesser talented bowlers the technological means to "keep up" with the more skilled and talented bowlers, but have then quietly continued to raise prices because, after all, research and development costs money, money happily supplied by the willing, weak, and unskilled. There are FAR more of them than not.
In a society where majority rules, it is sad when the majority is either duped into believing falsehoods, or unskilled and lacadaisical enough to be complacently compliant with whatever the manufacturers line up to feed them next, and willing to pay whatever price is asked, all just to be able to "level a playing field" that should never have been levelled in the first place.
Bowling balls ARE too high, but that is because bowling balls are FAR TOO TECHNICALLY ADVANCED, and they got that way because FAR too many people would rather rely on technology to help make up a difference in scoring levels that their true abilities never would have let them reach.
I have found that the people who buy, use, love, and justify these things are usually in the majority.
Yea, I wish EVERYBODY had to use a yellow-dot, or maybe even a Manhattan Rubber. If we did, balls sure wouldn't cost $250, and scores WOULD be based on who could repeat a very small skillset the best.
That won't EVER happen, because "THEY" won't let it.
So, just stop it Joe.
Just stop.