Saw the post on "Please bring these balls back" couldn't help but think of one that needed to stay retired.
It was 1997(?) and I was stationed in Misawa, Japan. The ball was called "The Phantom" and had a Phantom Jet on the ball somewhere. I remember it was a doo-doo brown in color and a whole ton of hoopla surrounded getting it drilled (i.e., taking lane measurements on throws, blah, blah, blah.) I went with a friend who decided to get one of them and he paid full price. Needless to say, he'd have been better off tossing a cannonball down the lanes. My friend had bowled since he was seven and was throwing an original pirhana. He GAVE me the ball after just one week. I threw it into the ocean after bowling one league with it - Then again, I was still using two fingers and chucking the ball like those annoying middle school kids at the local Cosmic Bowl.
Somewhere off the coast of Japan lies the final resting place of "The Phantom"
I'm not a pro ... but I play one on TV!