Stay the hell off the roads, bottom line if you have been smoking weed, or are over the alcohol limit . Its quite simple.
Listen to Pink Floyd, Nirvana or Mudhoney stoned at home LOL, have a few beers or whatever your poison is, at home.I'm all for it!!
Dbar71, 2 beers over the space of 2 and a bit hours is responsible drinking dipshi*!!!!
rrholjr said "Subsequently, you notice that these people are able to drive every bit as well as if they were sober, if not better. Myself, personally, am a lot safer on the road and tend to concentrate a bit harder. I'm 23 years old. I've never been in an accident and I've had 1 moving violation in the last 8 years, which was over 4 years ago, before I started smoking pot. So no, you're not doing anyone a favor. You're just beng an a-hole."..
In reply you have just contradicted yourself with "every bit as well"driving statement. Driving is hard enough as recognised with so many accidents out there, we need people not to be "every bit as well" kinda driver, but to be totally focused, basically be the safest they can be... Accidents happen so to at least minimise the numbers we all have to be straight, not high or pissed or even a little!! Don't u get it, perhaps you will if you are ever misfortunate enough to lose a friend or family member to one of your stoned buddies ... I forgot your'e only 23 yrs old, still in dipers and naive. Gee, I stopped smoking pot when I was 18 or so, about the time I began growing up, and having to not rely on depressants.. Whatever floats your boat.
If you ever run in to me in your car and you are high as a hippie, I can sincerely promise you now, that I will kick your skinny little a** from one end of the earth to the other..
Take care all, even u rrohljr..