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Author Topic: Question about someone smoking pot during league play?  (Read 8561 times)


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Question about someone smoking pot during league play?
« on: March 05, 2009, 10:39:09 AM »
So last night i was subbing on my girlfriends team for a teammate who is injured. Two of the guys we were bowling against went outside for a "cigarette break" between the second and third game. They came back absolutely reeking of pot smoke. When we questioned them about it they kinda gave us a "whats the big deal about smoking some weed" comments. What i'm wondering is there a USBC rule pertaining to this and can they get in trouble for it?



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Re: Question about someone smoking pot during league play?
« Reply #46 on: March 07, 2009, 04:11:30 AM »
My only problem with this pot smokers if they get behind the wheel of a car to drive home, then it becomes every other resonsible drivers problem. My family and I drive on the roads, my friends do, I'm resonsible and sure as sh*t do not cause or wish to be involved in an accident. I would ask them politely to think about that, and to get a cab home, or smoke when they get home. If they tell you to f**k off then, grab their license plate over the next week or so, then straight after league one week, give the police a buzz letting them now they are leaving shortly, hopefully the police will be there and can catch them.

The driver is stoned....Your'e actually doing him a favour in the long run, and the rest of the community.

just a thought

i like a couple of drinks (only a couple) during bowling, but I am responsible!!! I have a few more at home, I'm sure he can get as high as Tinkerbell when he gets home..

To do nothing is very poor..
Take care

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Re: Question about someone smoking pot during league play?
« Reply #47 on: March 07, 2009, 07:41:43 AM »

Stay the hell off the roads, bottom line if you have been smoking weed, or are over the alcohol limit . Its quite simple.
Listen to Pink Floyd, Nirvana or Mudhoney stoned at home LOL, have a few beers or whatever your poison is, at home.I'm all for it!!

Dbar71, 2 beers over the space of 2 and a bit hours is responsible drinking dipshi*!!!!

rrholjr said "Subsequently, you notice that these people are able to drive every bit as well as if they were sober, if not better. Myself, personally, am a lot safer on the road and tend to concentrate a bit harder. I'm 23 years old. I've never been in an accident and I've had 1 moving violation in the last 8 years, which was over 4 years ago, before I started smoking pot. So no, you're not doing anyone a favor. You're just beng an a-hole."..

In reply you have just contradicted yourself with "every bit as well"driving statement. Driving is hard enough as recognised with so many accidents out there, we need people not to be "every bit as well" kinda driver, but to be totally focused, basically be the safest they can be... Accidents happen so to at least minimise the numbers we all have to be straight, not high or pissed or even a little!! Don't u get it, perhaps you will if you are ever misfortunate enough to lose a friend or family member to one of your stoned buddies ... I forgot your'e only 23 yrs old, still in dipers and naive. Gee, I stopped smoking pot when I was 18 or so, about the time I began growing up, and having to not rely on depressants.. Whatever floats your boat.

If you ever run in to me in your car and you are high as a hippie, I can sincerely promise you now, that I will kick your skinny little a** from one end of the earth to the other..

Take care all, even u rrohljr..


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Re: Question about someone smoking pot during league play?
« Reply #48 on: March 07, 2009, 07:42:55 AM »
Stay the hell off the roads, bottom line if you have been smoking weed, or are over the alcohol limit . Its quite simple.
Listen to Pink Floyd, Nirvana or Mudhoney stoned at home LOL, have a few beers or whatever your poison is, at home.I'm all for it!!

Dbar71, 2 beers over the space of 2 and a bit hours is responsible drinking dipshi*!!!!

rrholjr said "Subsequently, you notice that these people are able to drive every bit as well as if they were sober, if not better. Myself, personally, am a lot safer on the road and tend to concentrate a bit harder. I'm 23 years old. I've never been in an accident and I've had 1 moving violation in the last 8 years, which was over 4 years ago, before I started smoking pot. So no, you're not doing anyone a favor. You're just beng an a-hole."..

In reply you have just contradicted yourself with "every bit as well"driving statement. Driving is hard enough as recognised with so many accidents out there, we need people not to be "every bit as well" kinda driver, but to be totally focused, basically be the safest they can be... Accidents happen so to at least minimise the numbers we all have to be straight, not high or pissed or even a little!! Don't u get it, perhaps you will if you are ever misfortunate enough to lose a friend or family member to one of your stoned buddies ... I forgot your'e only 23 yrs old, still in dipers and naive. Gee, I stopped smoking pot when I was 18 or so, about the time I began growing up, and having to not rely on depressants.. Whatever floats your boat.

If you ever run in to me in your car and you are high as a hippie, I can sincerely promise you now, that I will kick your skinny little a** from one end of the earth to the other..

Take care all, even u rrohljr..


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Re: Question about someone smoking pot during league play?
« Reply #49 on: March 07, 2009, 09:35:53 AM »
Such few facts.

2 beers, 2 hours,'d have to weigh less than 70 lbs to be .08

Hey F*ck Face (looseleftie) Depending on your height and weight after a couple of beers in a few hours you could be over .08.  F*ck Face....

Cubs in 09

Don't argue with an idiot people watching may not be able to tell the difference.


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Re: Question about someone smoking pot during league play?
« Reply #50 on: March 07, 2009, 10:32:54 AM »

Yeah, if I quit smoking pot, my average will go up 10 pins to 235. I might get lucky and make it 15. You would just as likely be better if you started feeding your head THC. I know 4 people, other than myself, who have shot 300/800 while high... it's not a performance "decreaser."


Been there, done that, way before you were a figment in somebody's imagination.  Thanfully, I got smart and realized that IT IS A PERFORMANCE DECREASER!!! (you're admitting such, whether you realize it or not, by also stating that your average could be highger--no pun intended--which makes you right about one thing: if you are currently averaging 225, you would be able to tack on at least 10 to 15 pins to your average--I know, I did).

We will be known forever by the tracks we leave.

Edited on 3/7/2009 11:34 AM


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Re: Question about someone smoking pot during league play?
« Reply #51 on: March 07, 2009, 12:59:41 PM »
Such few facts.

2 beers, 2 hours,'d have to weigh less than 70 lbs to be .08

Hey F*ck Face (looseleftie) Depending on your height and weight after a couple of beers in a few hours you could be over .08.  F*ck Face....

Cubs in 09

Don't argue with an idiot people watching may not be able to tell the difference.


Just some interesting info....

Actually most of the BAC calculators, are way off...according to emergency room techs.

I weigh 175-180, had 5 beers over 6-7 hours....BAC: by EMT was .297!

I have a very quick metabolism...had vegetable soup at 4 pm.
Drank 2 beers during bowling (7:30 pm)... 3 more after bowling (until 1 am).

I was walking out to my car stone sober...
I collapsed eyes rolled into the back of my head.
I stopped breathing. Luckily I was with a teammate, or I would have been found dead.
I woke up in the emergency room of the local hospital.

This has never happened to me before.
I'm VERY aware of Alcohol absorption, and how my body handles it now.

Quite scary...I'm glad I was not behind the wheel of my car.

Duke Harding


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Re: Question about someone smoking pot during league play?
« Reply #52 on: March 07, 2009, 01:38:34 PM »
Smoking marijuana is completely least it should be. I'd rather smell that any day of the week then everyone's cigarettes and cigar smoke.

Also, so what? Are they bothering you? They did at least go outside.


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Re: Question about someone smoking pot during league play?
« Reply #53 on: March 07, 2009, 01:57:41 PM »
You don't register sarcasm very well, do you?
"But hey, that's what the media does. They take an ant fart and turn it into a nuclear explosion."

"...send your insurance agent a bouquet of flowers and a nice card thanking him for f**king the s**t out of you."
Bring value, not trouble.

Is that what you were being?
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Re: Question about someone smoking pot during league play?
« Reply #54 on: March 07, 2009, 02:12:04 PM »
If pot smells bad it is cheap and they should be arrested for that alone.


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Re: Question about someone smoking pot during league play?
« Reply #55 on: March 07, 2009, 03:25:06 PM »
That is very interesting, glad you're ok.

I've never heard of that happening to someone after consuming just 5 beers over such a long period of time. Most guys your size could drink those same 5 beers over an hour and a half and not have any issues.

Again, I'm glad that you're ok....and you are now well aware of how your body handles it.



Just some interesting info....

Actually most of the BAC calculators, are way off...according to emergency room techs.

I weigh 175-180, had 5 beers over 6-7 hours....BAC: by EMT was .297!

I have a very quick metabolism...had vegetable soup at 4 pm.
Drank 2 beers during bowling (7:30 pm)... 3 more after bowling (until 1 am).

I was walking out to my car stone sober...
I collapsed eyes rolled into the back of my head.
I stopped breathing. Luckily I was with a teammate, or I would have been found dead.
I woke up in the emergency room of the local hospital.

This has never happened to me before.
I'm VERY aware of Alcohol absorption, and how my body handles it now.

Quite scary...I'm glad I was not behind the wheel of my car.

Duke Harding

Don't argue with an idiot people watching may not be able to tell the difference.


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Re: Question about someone smoking pot during league play?
« Reply #56 on: March 07, 2009, 05:13:27 PM »

Is that what you were being?
We will be known forever by the tracks we leave.


Yeah, if I quit smoking pot, my average will go up 10 pins to 235. I might get lucky and make it 15.

"But hey, that's what the media does. They take an ant fart and turn it into a nuclear explosion."

"...send your insurance agent a bouquet of flowers and a nice card thanking him for f**king the s**t out of you."
Bring value, not trouble.

Edited on 3/7/2009 5:42 PM

That's a shame.  

I thought you were being serious.  

I guess, to you, getting high is more important than getting to a "Higher" level of bowling.

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Re: Question about someone smoking pot during league play?
« Reply #57 on: March 07, 2009, 09:19:27 PM »
That is very interesting, glad you're ok.

I've never heard of that happening to someone after consuming just 5 beers over such a long period of time. Most guys your size could drink those same 5 beers over an hour and a half and not have any issues.

Again, I'm glad that you're ok....and you are now well aware of how your body handles it.


Talked to my buddy, and he said my team won't let me be in the beer frame any longer....I'm to old!
Can't handle my beer...
Duke Harding


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Re: Question about someone smoking pot during league play?
« Reply #58 on: March 07, 2009, 10:17:20 PM »
You also don't seem to comprehend that there's no decrease in performance.


Is that what you were being?
We will be known forever by the tracks we leave.


Yeah, if I quit smoking pot, my average will go up 10 pins to 235. I might get lucky and make it 15.

"But hey, that's what the media does. They take an ant fart and turn it into a nuclear explosion."

"...send your insurance agent a bouquet of flowers and a nice card thanking him for f**king the s**t out of you."
Bring value, not trouble.

Edited on 3/7/2009 5:42 PM

That's a shame.  

I thought you were being serious.  

I guess, to you, getting high is more important than getting to a "Higher" level of bowling.

We will be known forever by the tracks we leave.

"But hey, that's what the media does. They take an ant fart and turn it into a nuclear explosion."

"...send your insurance agent a bouquet of flowers and a nice card thanking him for f**king the s**t out of you."
Bring value, not trouble.

It that's what you believe, that's fine by me.  

Just don't try to sell your way of thinking to those of us that know better from experience.

And I comprehend just fine, thank you very little.  

Good luck to ya.

We will be known forever by the tracks we leave.

Edited on 3/7/2009 11:23 PM

Hank Hill

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Re: Question about someone smoking pot during league play?
« Reply #59 on: March 09, 2009, 09:46:21 AM »
Can you imagine being a league officer for some of these clowns? What a nightmare. "Mr. President, he smells like weed and I think he's been smoking marijuana cigarettes outside, wwhaah."  "Mr. President, he's had more than his two beers he's allowed, wwhaah." "Mr. President, will you come look at this ball, I'm not sure it's legal, wwhaah."  It's pretty neat to see the division between people that go bowling to have fun and mind their business and bossy teacher's pet little girls.


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Re: Question about someone smoking pot during league play?
« Reply #60 on: March 09, 2009, 10:10:51 AM »
This thread is amazing.

I think a sticky is in order.

In all seriousness I think the main thing is be discrete about your business.

Noone cares if you are an alcoholic or a pothead as long as you don't bother them (i.e. smelling, wasting time, being a douche in general).

As for reporting this stuff how about instead of being a nutless wonder you talk to the offending party directly.