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Author Topic: Question for Lane Men only  (Read 772 times)


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Question for Lane Men only
« on: March 29, 2004, 05:34:55 PM »

I'm a manager at a bowling centre, and I used to be a bowling mechanic.  Recently I went to a tournament, and I noticed from the lane pattern print-out, that each lane had 26 ml of oil.

At my centre, our oil machine is AMF Century Magnum (over 7 years old, and not a very good one), and we set the machine to lay down about 13 ml of oil on each lane.  (though we don't have a good back-end)

I had a hard time in that tournament, not being used to play on that volume of oil. (I'm not a cranker)

How much oil do YOU put down at your centre?
What about PBA patterns?  How much oil do they use on each lane?

Homer Simpson is a better bowler than me!
Certified ball collector.



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Re: Question for Lane Men only
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2004, 09:48:46 AM »
Pattern A is listed as having 25.52 units, B 24.98 units, C 25.07 units, d 25.20 units of oil, E has 24.98 units.  There are variations of these patterns due to the condition of the lane surface.  They are also able to change the steam volume to give the pattern a different feel.
  The Tournament of Champions shot was rather dry in comparison at 19.5 microliters (units).  The shots at the majors usually have about 3 units less oil than a "normal" PBA shot.
  As for the alley I work at...  I have no idea what we use, but I think its in the high teens.  Take into consideration that's on Brunswick Pro-Anvilane synthetics that are almost 5 years old.  It's really amazing how much of a difference a unit or two can make as well.
I'll be all set once I figure out how to get this ball to throw itself.  

Edited on 3/30/2004 10:43 AM

Edited on 3/30/2004 10:46 AM