Just a little update. Drilled my Rack Attack Pearl approximately 50 x 2 7/8" x 30 and it's been great. Originally hit it with a used 1500 pad to break the polish and it still ended up being a little too angular.
Got a fresh 3000 pad and used it by hand and that got the reaction pretty close to what I was wanting. I've bowled 18 games in the past week between 2 tournaments and league on 3 different patterns (43 ft, 40 ft, 38 ft). I've used the Rack Attack 16 of the 18 games with a lot of success. A couple of bad games on burned pairs from averaging 235 or so for the 18 games.
Reaction is really close to what I wanted in comparing it to my Ride. Haven't added another hole yet as it was just under the limit when I drilled it up