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Author Topic: Question for those who bowl or have bowled scratch average capped leagues  (Read 4879 times)


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My Wednesday night league is ready to set the entering average for next year.
There was a meeting to discuss this last week, but the only decision was to come back this week and figure out what we're going to do. The current cap is 840.

What the league president suggested was to take the average league average (212), round up to 215, and multiply by 4, making the new entering cap 860.
I suggested taking the league average (212), multiplying by 4, and then rounding up - making it 850.

Other suggestions - cap it to the highest team in the league (of course).
Cap it to the middle of the league.
Keep it the same (my vote, although my team wouldn't stay together)
Lower it to the 825 it was a couple of years ago.

Now - the league changed the entering average rule last year, which has done 2 things - gotten us more teams, and stacked the higher end of the league.
They changed two rules - it used to be they went back 2 years - winter, summer, etc - highest average. They changed that to one year, not summer.
THEN - they changed the rule if you don't have an entering average - you used to come in at 215 when the league cap was 825. They changed it to 210, with the league cap 840. In other words, you can get 4 touring pros that don't have enough games in on a house shot to band together, and form a team right at the cap!!! Dave Husted came into the league with a 210 average. His current average on the house shot is 250!!!

Any way - suggestions will be welcome. I'd like to present several options to the folks in the league on Wednesday night.

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Re: Question for those who bowl or have bowled scratch average capped leagues
« Reply #16 on: February 18, 2004, 12:31:10 AM »
Any other ideas?
We Know What Bowlers Want

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Re: Question for those who bowl or have bowled scratch average capped leagues
« Reply #17 on: February 19, 2004, 12:43:15 AM »
Well, the league voted tonight.
Interesting turnout.
They voted to raise the cap to 850 - I'm thrilled about that one.
They voted to make the entering average go back THREE years. Wow.
They also voted to make the entering average 220 IF you don't have a book average for the last 3 years.

Thanks for all the help!
We Know What Bowlers Want

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