I have a question that doesn't have to do with bowling directly, but involves my teammate.
Scenerio, teammate texts me if I wanna join him for bowling Sunday morning, my gf is sitting next to me and I ask her if she would want to join, (she doesn't bowl and has a physical limitation/disability), she asked me if she could try as well. I text back asking if he would mind if she came. His response
"I don't care.. Bring a shovel to clean her off the approach when her leg gives out..."
She and him have maybe said 5 words to eachother ever, but know of eachother. I took personal offense to this and declined going bowling the next morning. We bowl together tomorrow night and I definitely feel animosity towards him. He and I are 2 of the top 3 bowlers in the house. I will also see him this Friday and was thinking of pulling him aside and just talk to him then and explain how he disrespected me by making such a "wreckless joke." In general he doesn't have tact and tries to make poor jokes, but I feel this crossed a line.
any advice on how to handle the situation. Thanks in advance.