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Author Topic: Question on Acetone....  (Read 9036 times)

trash heap

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Question on Acetone....
« on: September 03, 2004, 04:25:45 PM »

I received an email message from and it was giving a chart on what to use to clean bowling ball. The following statement was made:  

Acetone is not approved for use during ABC play, however it may be used before or after bowling.

The latest chart I found, stated that Acetone is not acceptable any time. Has things changed?

Trash Heap (exflinger wannabe)
Talkin' Trash!



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Re: Question on Acetone....
« Reply #16 on: September 06, 2004, 01:36:14 AM »
Inverted 1,
It was an interesting thread, while it lasted.
No apology needed. I've been through this discussion many, many times.
I still think the rule is ridiculous.
Are there ABC specs on the manufacturing of balls?

You can't soften the ball surface . . . .

BUT particles can be added to make the ball grip the surface?
Ball coverstock is more aggressive than it's ever been in the history of the game.
Does the ABC have a "watchdog" department to oversee what particle type and how much of the particles are put in the ball?

The ONLY logic I see in the rule, is to keep bowlers from endangering themselves and others by using unsafe chemicals, trying to soften a ball's shell.
As a cleaner, I have never seen a durometer reading changer before and after wiping a ball down with acetone.
You're only as good as your last shot. -- Duke Harding

da Shiv

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Re: Question on Acetone....
« Reply #17 on: September 06, 2004, 11:13:34 AM »
Personally, I like having this discussion every once in awhile.  This was a good one.

What I've been using for ball cleaning for sometime now is mostly Hook-It.  I also have a 50-50 mixture of Hook-It and Renew-It that I sometimes use on the shinier stuff.  The awkwardly named Khameleon Sand High Tech Particle Ball Restorer is excellent stuff, as long as the approximately 1500 grit surface that it leaves is acceptable to you.

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Listening to the monotonous staccato of rain on my desk top


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Re: Question on Acetone....
« Reply #18 on: September 07, 2004, 03:23:44 PM »
Personally, I like having this discussion every once in awhile.  This was a good one.

What I've been using for ball cleaning for sometime now is mostly Hook-It.  I also have a 50-50 mixture of Hook-It and Renew-It that I sometimes use on the shinier stuff.  The awkwardly named Khameleon Sand High Tech Particle Ball Restorer is excellent stuff, as long as the approximately 1500 grit surface that it leaves is acceptable to you.

Listening to the monotonous staccato of rain on my desk top

SoftScrub is great.

Not to abraisve and pretty cheap.
You're only as good as your last shot. -- Duke Harding

da Shiv

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Re: Question on Acetone....
« Reply #19 on: September 07, 2004, 06:33:51 PM »
SoftScrub, eh?  Do you have any idea about what grit level you get from that?  Doesn't SoftScrub have bleach in it--or is that just one of the varieties?  I don't believe I've seen bleach on any of the lists.  I wonder what bleach would do to a ball.  I don't wonder enough to try it, but I wonder.  Maybe you could make the ball of your choice look like the Bone.

Somehow or other, I think that bleach might be worse for a ball than acetone, but it least it wouldn't soften it, by God!

Maybe it would harden it.

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Listening to the monotonous staccato of rain on my desk top


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Re: Question on Acetone....
« Reply #20 on: September 07, 2004, 10:51:13 PM »
SoftScrub, eh?  Do you have any idea about what grit level you get from that?  Doesn't SoftScrub have bleach in it--or is that just one of the varieties?  I don't believe I've seen bleach on any of the lists.  I wonder what bleach would do to a ball.  I don't wonder enough to try it, but I wonder.  Maybe you could make the ball of your choice look like the Bone.

Somehow or other, I think that bleach might be worse for a ball than acetone, but it least it wouldn't soften it, by God!

Maybe it would harden it.

Listening to the monotonous staccato of rain on my desk top

No bleach in the orange-smelling stuff I use. Consistency is like a liquid rubbing compound. Contains calcium carbonate, and detergent.
You're only as good as your last shot. -- Duke Harding

da Shiv

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Re: Question on Acetone....
« Reply #21 on: September 07, 2004, 11:36:56 PM »
If I'm not mistaken, calcium carbonate is blackboard chalk, isn't it?

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Listening to the monotonous staccato of rain on my desk top