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Author Topic: Question on Timing  (Read 810 times)


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Question on Timing
« on: February 26, 2009, 12:37:41 AM »
I have been bowling terrible lately and I have a couple questions.  

Lately everything is going WAY right of target.  I am not saying I was the most accurate guy before this, but when going up the boards I could hit the 4-8 board straight at the arrows.  When I would move in some and put a little belly on it, I was ussuall pretty consistant as well, but I was most accurate going up the boards.  About a month ago I noticed everything going way right of my target.  For instance, to correct it I am now trying to roll everything up the ten board, and am sending it out to the right of 5. I have started to roll a 15lb ball about 8 weeks ago and am going down to 15 for everything next week.  But it does not matter which ball I use, same result.  

I believe its a timing issue.  I have felt one thing early in my approach that was off so I am working on that, but I am getting the same result.

I know it is hard with out a video, but I was wondering if anyone else had a similiar slump they worked out of and any tips to help.



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Re: Question on Timing
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2009, 04:15:56 PM »
Just like addik said, it could be your swing, I think that your shoulders might be a little to open at the point of release. That will force you to send the ball right.


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Re: Question on Timing
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2009, 04:55:27 PM »
What were you throwing before switching to 15 lbs?  Was that a move up or down in weight?


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Re: Question on Timing
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2009, 05:02:41 PM »
I take it that your right handed?

weak wrist, not staying under the ball, to slow of an approach

loose thumb hole, to far up on the lane( step Back), weak follow thew,

just a few things that have caused me this season to do the same thing.


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Re: Question on Timing
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2009, 08:47:48 PM »
What were you throwing before switching to 15 lbs?  Was that a move up or down in weight?

I was throwing 16, so it was a move down.  I only have 1-15lb ball at this point and everything else is 16.  I am going to get two more 15lbs this coming week and selling most of the 16's, so the olny thing I will have in 16 will be my spare ball, which I roll end over end.

I take it that your right handed?

weak wrist, not staying under the ball, to slow of an approach

loose thumb hole, to far up on the lane( step Back), weak follow thew,

just a few things that have caused me this season to do the same thing.

Yes I am right handed.  

Weak wrist - Not saying no, but I don't think this is a problem.  Have not seen this issue in the past, and work with my hands quite regularlly.  

Not staying under the ball - absolutly could be.  I was very good at staying behind the ball and getting some lift, but lately, especially when going up the boards, I notice I am coming around the ball way too much.

To slow of an approach - I actually thought my approach may be too quick, in that my feet where at the release point before my hand got there, and the ball may be coming off my hand too soon.  Does this make sense?

To far up on the lane - I have not changed my starting position on the approach.  Not saying it could not be a factor, but there has been no known variance in this aspect.  I believe something else changed to make this problem occur.

Weak follow through - again, very possible.  Since the problem has started, I also notice I am trying so hard to "point" the ball that it could be effecting my follow through.

Thank you all for the advice so far.  And I will make sure to have someone watch me from behind to make sure my arm is in a traight pendulum and not a figure 8.


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Re: Question on Timing
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2009, 12:38:19 AM »
I'd guess your pushaway is going right(for a right hander) instead of straight away.  This would cause you to loop the ball behind you and thus force a miss to the right.


It could just be you are lined up alittle right and not realizing it.
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Re: Question on Timing
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2009, 08:10:33 AM »
I had the same problem, but my timing was fine.

After doing some video, I noticed at the release point that I was jerking my head up and literally standing up from a bent-knee position, completely negating everything I did correctly up to that point.

Most notably, killing my leverage at the line. I was balanced and poised, but incorrectly so. It's what I refer to as a bowler using a relaxed, muscle free arm swing, that ultimatly does muscle the shot at the last moment. You may as well be muscling the shot from start to finish.

So I pictured a string from my head down to my target and kept it steady as I progressed the approach. Not only was my accuracy improved, but my shots were repeatable off the hand as far as rotation and speed went.
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