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Author Topic: Question ... young bowlers.  (Read 953 times)


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Question ... young bowlers.
« on: February 13, 2004, 12:09:37 AM »
I know we’ve all see it or like myself have been a part of the scenario below:

A young gun walks in a gets a lane beside some old(er) guy with thinning hair, glasses, overweight. The kid places his balls on the rack and doesn’t even so much as give the “old” guy a look until….BOOM ten in the pit.

The older gentleman looks over at the young gun and just smiles, picks up his ball and continues to throw strike after strike or at least easy spares.

Now the kid is consumed with showing the old guy up. He picks up his ball, no thumbs the release. Ball hooks 30 boards; he gets 3 or a split.

I see this all the time. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not putting down the young bowlers but I do find it funny to watch their expression when older guys just flat out out bowl them.

I bowled against one of these kids the other night in league. During practice I watched him throw strike after strike. I probably made 2 or 3. We started the game, I threw 5 in a row, and he spilt or missed easy single pin spares.

I looked over to my partner, smiled and said he was going to get a lesson in bowling pressure tonight.

Soooooo… my question to the young bowlers, how does it make you feel when someone twice or even three times you age (and weight) just flat out, out bowls you?

I know being the old guy it makes me feel good. I also know there will be a point in time that I won’t be able to compete with them.

My wrist brace is just like my RADAR detector, I really don't need it but it sure makes me feel better when I have it on.
(Airborne Army 1SG all the way)



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Re: Question ... young bowlers.
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2004, 03:23:37 PM »
Bones, you are correct. I probably couldn't compete with most of the young guns from this site but it's just funny the looks I get from them!

I know when I was young I thought no one was better than myself. Through the years you learn there are so many better at the game than you but not when you're young.

Don't get me wrong, I know there are many young bowlers who would love to beat up an ole man

My wrist brace is just like my RADAR detector, I really don't need it but it sure makes me feel better when I have it on.
(Airborne Army 1SG all the way)


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Re: Question ... young bowlers.
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2004, 03:27:47 PM »
I always keep in mind that at some point, God willing, I will be that man.  I feel like I have the advantage on an easier pattern because I have about 12 boards to shoot at.  If ANY kind of skill is involved (sport, spot or flat pattern), I would take the experience every time.  Every bowler on my team is in his 20s or early 30s.  We have won both quarters so far and is on pace to win the third quarter.  The shot is a THS about 37 feet with a track.  If the shot changed to a 44ft flat or spot pattern, we would lose in the first roll off without question to the experienced 2nd place team.  

Killing um softly from all angles


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Re: Question ... young bowlers.
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2004, 03:36:44 PM »
I don't think I've ever tried to show anybody up.  Cause as soon as you open your mouth, there's ALWAYS gonna be somebody that grinds you into the dirt and then smiles at you.  I'd like to say that most of the time, I keep pretty quiet when I'm bowling the better bowlers.  I go up, throw my shot, yell at myself if it's bad, and sit down.  The better bowlers hit the pocket 95% of the time.  The only opening you find is that one shot they stick on, the spare they miraculously miss, or the shot they don't strike on.  The last two times I've bowled one of them at one particular house, he's shot 771 and 774 at me.  I got one point from him, and it took 279 to do it.  I think people think I'm cocky, but it's more or less just excitement.  This is only my 4th year bowling, so I'm still getting used to things, there's always things to learn, and things I haven't accomplished yet.  I just want to prove I belong with the better bowlers, because I know I do.  I have to find that one thing that makes me as consistent as they are, and I think I'm getting close.  Consistency is the name of the game.  Find a line you can hit the pocket with, make SMALL adjustments to help you carry better and stick with it.  There are those arrogant bowlers though, know a few of them . .
The weekly signature series, by Hamster, presenting a mini-series of quotes from Shrek!

"Oh I'll find those stairs, I whip they butt too.  They won't know which way they going.  Give me a step right here and now, I'll step all over it, kick it to the curb.  I am the stair masta, I've masta'd the stairs."


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Re: Question ... young bowlers.
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2004, 03:42:53 PM »
Now the kid is consumed with showing the old guy up. He picks up his ball, no thumbs the release. Ball hooks 30 boards; he gets 3 or a split.

A friend of mine refers to this type of bowler as a card-carrying member of Team NineDash.

You know how their games look on paper:

X X 9-X X 9-...
White Dot
Ancient Chinese Proverb:  Man who stand on toilet high on pot.