We beat this topic to death, What are the factors involve with bowling attrition rate. We have asked this over and over and yet at the end of each thread it is left in the same spot. Lets turn this around and get some real information that may somehow prove valuable.
Please provide for your best questions that I will use in a poll on my website geared toward producing quantitative results. Everyone has an opinion but lets see what the majority says including those who dont voice in the forums. There are quite a few users, some really smart people on this forum and as a group we might obtain some interesting results in the end.
Here is one that I will throw out there to get things started:
Rate in order of significance what it would take for you to bowl an 1 extra league next year?
1. Money
2. Job Secutiry
3. Easier Scoring Conditions
4. Tougher Scoring Conditions
5. Better Maintained Facility
6. Shorter season
Lets get maybe 10 or 15 good questions to make a good poll. I will share the results to the group for further discussion.
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