I may have outlived any use I thought I might be able to offer other bowlers, here at ballreviews.com. The reason I say this is because I just looked at the bowlers I have placed on my Ignored List, many of them just recently. I seem to have grown intolerant of nastiness, stupidity and people unwilling to admit they don't know everything about everything. I know I have much more to learn about all facets of bowling, but I have learned a little bit and thought I could offer an opinion and a fact or two here and there.
Maybe I am reading and posting too early in the morning, when my politeness and societal filters are not yet up and too late at night when my filters have dropped. I don't know.
I find myself almost losing my temper when reading many posts and replies lately. I don't know if anyone else does this or feels this way. There are many people here with whom I enjoy exchanging ideas, lending what info I can, and learning what facts I can. But recently there are so many more whom I just don't understand what they are saying and there are some, whom I do not understand why they are saying what they say. I often ask but get no meaningful reply or one that makes any sense to me. I don't think I am a stupid person, so I wonder what is going on here at ballreviews.
I have felt like this for about 2 months now; I don't recall what started it, but I keep coming back, more to look for good post by good people, newbies or old. The percentage of these seems to have been reduced, shrunken by quite a bit now.
(Maybe this should have been in Miscellaneous Non-Bowling, but it seems bowling indformation related.)
"Just because you can do something does not mean you should do it."