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Author Topic: Tolerance ....  (Read 8514 times)


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Tolerance ....
« on: November 22, 2003, 09:00:37 PM »
I may have outlived any use I thought I might be able to offer other bowlers, here at The reason I say this is because I just looked at the bowlers I have placed on my Ignored List, many of them just recently. I seem to have grown intolerant of nastiness, stupidity and people unwilling to admit they don't know everything about everything. I know I have much more to learn about all facets of bowling, but I have learned a little bit and thought I could offer an opinion and a fact or two here and there.

Maybe I am reading and posting too early in the morning, when my politeness and societal filters are not yet up and too late at night when my filters have dropped. I don't know.

I find myself almost losing my temper when reading many posts and replies lately. I don't know if anyone else does this or feels this way. There are many people here with whom I enjoy exchanging ideas, lending what info I can, and  learning what facts I can. But recently there are so many more whom I just don't understand what they are saying and there are some, whom I do not understand why they are saying what they say. I often ask but get no meaningful reply or one that makes any sense to me. I don't think I am a stupid person, so I wonder what is going on here at ballreviews.

I have felt like this for about 2 months now; I don't recall what started it, but I keep coming back, more to look for good post by good people, newbies or old. The percentage of these seems to have been reduced, shrunken by quite a bit now.

(Maybe this should have been in Miscellaneous Non-Bowling, but it seems bowling indformation related.)
"Just because you can do something does not mean you should do it."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."



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Re: Tolerance ....
« Reply #31 on: November 24, 2003, 11:46:46 AM »
I think the best solution is just not to post in response to ignorance. Idiots can continue to create new identities and you'll be forever adding short-lived personalities to your list that aren't even here anymore. By responding to these people, we're merely adding fuel to the fire. Let the fools talk to themselves.
   I for one would be truly disappointed to see B/R decline any further than it has at this point. I'm sure there's many members who are losing patience with this nonsense.
avoids spare shooting at all costs
'speshly 10 pins

Saw Mill

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Re: Tolerance ....
« Reply #32 on: November 24, 2003, 02:00:33 PM »
Man, I hope I am not on Charlest's ignore list, and Hamster, what do you mean get rid of Dave?  I would not want tobe on anyone's ignore list, especially if it were for stupid reason, but I personally will not put somone on mine.  I feel that I am mature enough to either ignore it mentally, and just not respond to that individual.  I would be surprised if I am no C's list, and then again I might be surprised to find out whose list I am actually on.

If You Are Not Using a BuzzSaw, All You Get is SAW-dusted!!


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Re: Tolerance ....
« Reply #33 on: November 24, 2003, 02:43:46 PM »
charlest: I don't know if I'm on your ignore list. Assuming you're reading this, please don't assume you've outlived your usefulness on the forum. You are one of the few who provide really helpful information, and I'd hate to see you disappear. Especially in the area of coverstock maintenance, I've learned some additional insights from your posts. I have to believe others have benefited as well.

Remember that this is a public forum where no qualification other than the ability to register is required for participation. So your going to get a lot of really stupid stuff posted. I deal with it by poking back the offenders, but that's obviously a losing battle (there are way too many).

Take Doc's advice and apply a coat of human Elixir. You won't be as bothered as you clearly are now.

"You want the truth? -- You can't handle the truth! "

No, Steven, you are not on my list. There's only one person there right now. Funny, there were, before this started, several on my IL; when I went to remove these several, their names were all blank, which must mean their userids have been deleted. And all without any help from me.

"Just because you can do something does not mean you should do it."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Tolerance ....
« Reply #34 on: November 24, 2003, 02:46:18 PM »
So who pissed in your cheerios?  Just kidding.

Again? Damn!!  

You take this internet stuff too serious charlest.

I do seem to, don't I??


Maybe I need to invent some human Elixir that you can put on your back so this stuff just rolls off.
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Putting some on my Blk Cherry Bomb, just before I typed this.

I'll be glad to test the human kind

"Just because you can do something does not mean you should do it."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."