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Author Topic: It's a "Secret"  (Read 1060 times)


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It's a "Secret"
« on: February 23, 2007, 01:45:57 PM »
That's right.  It's a secret.  That is what one of the workers at tle bowling alley told me thursday night after bowling.  The question I asked was:  When do you oil the lanes for leagues.  He also told me that the lane pattern was also a secret.  Now I can understand keeping the pattern a secret, but why do you want to keep the oil schedule a secret?  When the guy said this, another bowler came up to me and said that they always oil the lanes right after the last league of the night.  The worker said, with a smirk on his face, not always.  Bowler said that every league he was on they oiled at the end of the night.  Anyway, while this conversation was going on, it got me a little frustrated.  For the last 3 or so months, I have been having a very hard time reaching my average.  Sure, I have shot over average by 15 or more pins, but those games were far and few between.  And those other games that were not at average were 10 or more pins below and those were 2 out of 3 games a week for about the last 3 months.  I am just frustrated at this league because I can see numerous other people play half of the right side and strike anywhere around the head pin, while I have to be within 1/2 inch of my mark to even come close th hitting the head pin.  The only good side to this is that nationals are around the corner and if I can get my accuracy to get tighter, I should be able to do good there.
It does not matter what type of shot you throw, it's the results on the scoresheet that counts.



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Re: It's a "Secret"
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2007, 07:29:30 AM »
Not sure why the time would be a secret. Sounds like they have no set time, just do it or not when the feel like it. They probably change the pattern a lot or really have no idea what they are putting out, so couldn't tell you if they wanted to. Our center won't or can't tell you exactly what the pattern is, although they will tell you the buff length. We have no problem knowing when, you can come out early and watch them run lanes just before each league and they allow no open play on the lanes once oiled. I wish that the USBC would add posting the oil graph in the center and checked patterns more strictly. Few people would have any idea what the graph means, but you would be able to have a better feeling that things are not being adjusted unless a new graph is posted.

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Re: It's a "Secret"
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2007, 08:16:18 AM »
Not a secret where I bowl. In fact the mechanic once printed me a graph so I could see the exact volume on each part of the lane and the length of the shot.

Anytime you get an answer like that one, remember it's usually better said "I have no idea, because it changes every time I don't maintain the lane machine properly."

I know of a mechanic who intentionally messes with "the shot" because he's a jerk who feels "all powerful" by being able to manipulate scores... until he loses his job.


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Re: It's a "Secret"
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2007, 05:37:21 PM »

I know of a mechanic who intentionally messes with "the shot" because he's a jerk who feels "all powerful" by being able to manipulate scores... until he loses his job.

I wish our house would do that.
It would make league night more interesting.

As for rabbit, what would you do with your new-found information if they coughed up the answers to your questions?
Jon (in Ohio)
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Re: It's a "Secret"
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2007, 05:45:00 PM »
I think there is a lot more to this then you would admit I just don't believe that you are the only one who has to be within half an inch of your target to strike. You just cannot stand at the same place all night long hoping that you'll strike its all about adjustments you have to move, also watch where the other bowlers are standing and what kind of equipment they are using adapt to what the lanes are giving you youll become a better bowler
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Re: It's a "Secret"
« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2007, 11:03:07 PM »
I have watched several of the bowlers and there are a few that are struggling just like me.  I would say that roughly 1/3 of the bowlers are straight throwers.  And of the remaining 2/3, there are only a handful of crankers.  The league that I am on is a 3 person 12 team league.  

Yes there were a few weeks that it seemed that I had a few boards of room, but that was at the beginning of the season.  I was averaging above 185 for the first 7 weeks.  Then my average started dropping like a rock and I have not been able to get back up there.  I am currently at a 167 or so right now.  So far the likes I have tried all range from 3rd arrow to first arrow.  The balls I currently have tried are the bully, storm eraser blaze, and brunswick contact zone.  I have tried to stay with whatever pattern there is, but as soon as I find a line, it goes to crap and I have to start fishing all over again.  One week the lanes will be dry enough for my spare ball to hook 6 or more boards. The next week will be just the opposite to where I have a hard time getting the bully or anything else to work.  I do not care what oil pattern is there, but in the past when the lanes were oiled in early morning I have always struggled with it.  

All I know is that I just cannot wait for nationals.  Then I will be able to bowl on fresh conditions.
It does not matter what type of shot you throw, it's the results on the scoresheet that counts.


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Re: It's a "Secret"
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2007, 11:15:35 PM »
Alot of times, when everybody has the building and you have nothing, it is a mechanical flaw.  I know this all too well, as I slide into a flaw sometime Tuesday.  I subbed Monday and shot pretty good for 721.  Then, I subbed again Tuesday and couldn't hit get a feel and shot 632.  Wednesday, my normal league night, started and I couldn't find it.  I worked on my alignment and ball position and after 215-200, I went 278-244.  

More often than not, it is us not the lanes.


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Re: It's a "Secret"
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2007, 12:29:12 AM »
That makes me made man I bowl in a house that would tell you ''the shot is the same all the time'' when you would ask the guy that oils. This season there is a dramticlly higher volume of oil on the lane and when we asked the guy about the shot he said ''the same as last season'' even though my friends and I are all playing straighter up the lane with stronger equipment this season
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